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Archived Discussion SoYouWantTo / WriteAnUrbanFantasy

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Heart Of An Astronaut: sorry about not finishing this. I got all wordy and rambly and tired myself out. C'mon Wiki Magic!

Nobodymuch: It's not enough to be set in a city. As Urban Fantasy is actually used, it doesn't include anything before the end of World War I. Or perhaps I should say, it doesn't include anything in which the automobile is not the dominant mode of transportation. Victorian fantasy would be called just that.

Kilyle: Yeah, I'd say you've got the right idea there. A medieval city wouldn't make it Urban Fantasy, after all, nor would a city in ancient Rome.

Kilyle: Would Dominic Deegan be partially Urban Fantasy, or at least worth studying under the examples section? It certainly comes off that way in certain ways, despite the setting, but... I'm really not familiar with that much Urban Fantasy, so I can't judge.
