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Archived Discussion Manga / KOn

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Crowning Music Of Awesome

samperi - "Crowning Music Of Awesome - Literally every. Single. Number." NOT. It's part of the definition of C_oA that you can only have one of them. Especially you can't just go ahead and call every piece in the soundtrack C Mo A, no matter how much you like them.
  • This makes sense to me, especially considering the whole show is about music.
Pavlov: This is unfortunately true. I find that the last song I listened to is the CMoA, regardless of which song it is.

Is Mio a Tsundere?

C Banana: Is Mio really a Tsundere? She stays pretty consistent through the series and doesn't really have many mood swings.

Dentaku: I disagree too with Mio being a tsundere. I'd argue that there are none in this series.

Link to Character Sheet

PS: I created a character sheet page and moved all character tropes there. Could still need some love, though. But more important: I have problems with creating a correct link from the main page to the character sheet. Can someone help me out, please? Thank you, Midonin

Mugi's french fries

Pavlov: One of J-List's (Not Safe for Work) recent columns (9/30/2009) talked about the scene in episode 2 where Mugi pours her French Fries into the communal pile that Mio and Ritsu are eating from.

Peter Payne wrote, "It's the ultimate gesture of group membership, mingling one's food with your new friends so you can all eat on equal terms, and it communicates a lot of information about what kind of girl Tsumugi is to viewers."

You know, I could tell something was going on from watching the different emotions cross Mugi's face but I didn't really understand what was happening until I read that!

Dentaku: I guess you mean the first episode. I noticed it right away, since it is set up thoroughly: Mugi is clearly enjoying making that gesture and we even get a close-up of the two mingled portions of fries. I guess it's not a custom in fast food restaurants, but I regard it as one of the sweetest moments of the series—right after Yui checking out Mio's fingers.

Pavlov: Ugh, how could I get that wrong? Episode 1, not 2, around the 10:15 mark, depending which version you use. And yeah, love the finger gag. "Puni, puni!"

Sister-sister incest?

Dentaku: I am not so sure about that part of Ui and Yui having something other going on than a deep mutual affection. They remind me of me and my younger sister. Yes, she's a very important person to me, but there's nothing incestuous going on. I swear.
