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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Try not to die: From YKTTW

Deux Hero:I think this bit from Fire Emblem 9 would work better as a page quote, it is a bit longer, but shows the point better.

Greil: In times like these, it matters not what our bloodties are. We are family. If you don't want to cause your family any grief, then live!.
Fire Emblem:Path of Radiance

Haven: Props to the launcher of this trope for taking all my crappily worded examples and making them work ^^

The 'I speak no English' sketch from Kids In The Hall: dumb brute Scott asks a store owner for directions, but becomes frustrated when the store owner doesn't respond properly. He ends up assaulting the store owner, then says "don't die" and wanders off. Subversion?

Andyzero: Would cases where someone comments on something petty, like "Hey, you still owe me 20 dollars!" when they really mean this count?

Lord Incompetent: Don't see any reason why they wouldn't, as long as the scene makes it clear that they actually mean Try Not to Die, as opposed to being massively greedy or something like that.
