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Archived Discussion Main / TotallySpies

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

In short, think Charlies Angels meets anime. Meets porno.

Epiblast: Is this really an example of Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking? It seems more like Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick to me.

(later) Going ahead and changing this.

Ry Senkari: It was not Sam's voice actress (Jennifer Hale), who was in Sailor Moon. It was Alex's third season and onward voice actress (Katie Griffin), who was in Sailor Moon. She played the voice of Sailor Mars.

Planet Cool: Question. How do we know that Totally Spies used the anime mannerisms because the production team assumed that western audiences were already familiar with them, but that Teen Titans uses them simply to look more like anime? In any case, wouldn't both reasons be identical in practice?
