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The Macbeth Effect launched as The Scottish Trope Discussion: From YKTTW

Working Title: The Macbeth Effect: From YKTTW

Nerdorama: To anyone looking through the Page History, I'd like to apologize for the double failure that was my attempted Candle Jack ent

Fast Eddie: So good. Highlight of the day.

Earnest: Well thank you, that just made my day. ^_^

Keenath: I'm still not clear on how this is different from a Brown Note, and Candle J—er... that guy from Freakazoid is clearly a Speak of the Devil.

Earnest: Think of Brown Note as seeing or hearing, where this is speaking. Also, Brown Note seems to be more about a truly horrible inanimate thing (painting, song, elder god) whereas The Scottish Trope is usually a really evil person/god. On the Speak of the Devil, that usually summons/calls attention to you, TST causes any of a dozen bad effects.

Pro-Mole: If it's really that, people are getting pretty confused here, and we need to clean up the examples...

Of course they go by "wolf". It's never Lupus.

Pro-Mole: Don't you mean The Plecostomus?

Sinister Teddybear: damn it all, it's Y-H-V-H, there's no W in the Hebrew alphabet. Sorry, I get worked up about such things

Arivne: It looks like Speak of the Devil is about saying a creature's name summoning it, and this trope is about saying the name of anything causing a bad result. However, there are several "saying their name summons them" examples on this page.

Would anyone object to my changing the description to exclude the effect of summoning the creature named (leaving that to Speak of the Devil) and moving all such examples to that page?

Some Sort Of Troper: I think this should have a more searchable or typical redirect of That Which Must Not Be Named.

Where is the Troper Tales page for this trope? My friends and I have created a Scottish Word in the form of "ruler". Why? Because whenever we used the word, someone would smack us with one. We have gone to calling it "measuring stick", "inch stick", "King," etc.
