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Archived Discussion Main / PixelVsTexel

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

LSnK: Does this even need to exist? The difference between a pixel and a texel can be explained in one or two sentences. In the process of removing all the outright wrong information on the page, this is probably what it will end up looking like.

Lord TNK: First of all, this is a Useful Notes page, so the need is stated in the page this is indexed to.

As for whether it's right or wrong, you just telling us it's wrong is not enough. This is an informal wiki, but for useful notes links would be a good idea to back up your claim. Just erasing what you don't believe is frowned upon here.

And just because you think it only needs two sentences does not mean other understand it that easily.

Thanks writer/s.
