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Archived Discussion Main / OnlinePersonas

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Gus: I'll just seed this. I am sure the definitions that arise will be more entertaining than what I can knock out right now.

Andyzero: Might I recommend Flame Warriors?

Duckluck: I added content for ADarkerMe and Mediator it's my first time posting here (hi!), so I hope I didn't screw anything up.

Duckluck: Regarding The Great Crash, I've grabbed the most recent version of this index from the cache and also brought back Shameless Self-Promoter (the formatting is still a mess but I'll fix that tomorrow). Other pages that need to be retrieved are Adoration Breeds Imitation, Die Internet, Left-Fielder, The Shepherd, Spammer, Suffers Newbies Poorly, and G.I.R.L.. Many of these pages were never launched from YKTTW (at least two were just red links that I filled in on a whim), so it's important that we get them restored ASAP. I'll try to get back to work on this tomorrow, but if someone wanted to throw their hat in the ring before that, I'd be grateful.

Later: OK, next time I commit myself to grand wiki saving measures, I'm going to make sure my internet connection won't crap out before I can do anything. Thanks to all of you that pitched in to fix this section. I'm so glad my work and others' wasn't lost.

SenatorJ: I say this without condemnation, but it's interesting to note how all of these personae (except Shepherd) are portrayed negatively, and how most of them, well, actually are bad things to be. Are we collectively accentuating the negative, or is it really just that internauts can only assume defective, egotistic, or outright abusive personae, if they aren't Internet Jesus? In perfect fairness, it's tough for me to come up offhand with anything to add to the list, unless it were Mediators who are actually interested in stopping arguments instead of abusing their power (fair forum moderators, I guess, although I admit that Solomon might've been the last one). Too, really, the negatives are usually the extreme cases that are the most fun to talk about—the guy who knows everything about, say, porcine biology and obsessively (but fairly) puts right every incorrect pig factoid he finds is probably a genuinely useful contributor to a site, but he's also likely to be seen as kinda weird even if he's not snobbish in his corrections.

Anyhow, it's just an observation.

Pig_catapult: I noticed that, too. It might just be that the internet in general tends to accentuate the negative, so we only tend to invent terms for negative things. Off the top of my head, though, some (mostly) non-negative things I've seen would be... (working titles) Blackbelt In Google Fu (Their Google Fu... it is stronger than yours) Wise Hermit (like a lurker, but they tend to delurk to offer advice, be helpful, etc.; they just don't tend to engage in the general conversations much.) ... Okay, yeah, that's all I can really think of.
