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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Down But Not Out: From YKTTW

Kilyle: Yay, we have a trope for this now! I hate this trope! I hate it so much! Yargh!

Lawyerdude: Found a subversion! Jeepers Creepers! The part where the heroine intentionally runs over the Creeper multple times was about the only really good part of that movie. The entire theater loved it.

Whatever: I think subversions might be rare for this one, because usually if the characters don't do this, they just don't, without making a fuss.

Nobodymuch: Of course in a lot of jurisdictions making absolutely sure your attacker is dead would leave you open to considerable legal complications. Once you've spread his skull all over the kitchen floor people start to suspect that you were doing more than just defending yourself.

Whatever: Fair enough. But they could at least give them an extra nice hard headsmash for good luck, then run like hell. Or in the case that there's a working phone in the area or someone would come to look for them within a matter of hours, just stick around, keep a close eye on the killer, tie them up if possible, and knock them out again if they're starting to wake up/escape the ropes.

Sneebs: Need a better name? This sounds like a commercial for Lays chips or sumting!
