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Archived Discussion Main / Necromancer

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Blunderbuss: Is it just me, or do the first few paragraphs of this trope seem like they're repeating themselves? The first paragraph says that necromancers are the masters of death, the second says what the necromancers do, but then the third and fourth paragraphs repeat this information in much more detail. I know the 'new' write up at YKTTW started at 'Pretty much ...', but the new paragraphs that were added at the start just make it confusing.

  • Alright, I edited the write-up a little so it follows a logical order a bit more and seems more fluid.

Necromancer launched as Nec Romancer Discussion: From YKTTW

Cut and pasted from Neck Romancer:

Mister Six: Surely Nec Romancer? A Neck Romancer would be a vampire something, wouldn't it?

Phartman: That's the first thing that came to my mind, even if Neck Romancer is a clever pun.

Seth: Nec Romancer was one of the first things i thought of as well, i really need to check YKTTW out more often.

Mister Six: Nec Romancer is a clever pun. Neck Romancer would be a clever pun if necks were involved. I'm assuming this is a typo. I'll rename it.

Ununnilium: It's not a typo. IMHO, it works better the other way.

Kizor: Seconded.

Mister Six: Whoops, sorry! But how does it work better the other day? Necks are not involved in the trope, except that presumably the people have at least one each. This way you emphasise the "romancer" element of "necromancer". The other way, you just get an anti-pun that doesn't actually reflect the trope.

Citizen: But shouldn't this page be reserved for... Necromancers? Necromancer and Nec Romancer link to the same page, after all...

Seth: Nah, for a start we have a trope somewhere about necromancers - and if we dont then there is a better (Probably wiki worded) title out there for it. I much prefer this name to Neck Romancer, that one just confused me.

Ununnilium: But... necks! Flesh! Bodies!

Duckluck: Vocal cords! Arteries! Necklaces! You can see how this would get confusing. For one thing, puns have to be immediately obvious in order to work, which "Neck Romancer" was not. I think it's better without that troublesome "K."

Fast Eddie: The bigger problem is the thing Citizen raises. "Necromancer" is a word. How about something like Necromantic?
