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Archived Discussion Main / MagicVersusScience

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Magic Vs. Science: From YKTTW


"Hermione insists a microphone/recording bug won't work, but Colin's camera does"

There are lots of magic-operated devices, why not a camera? It's not exactly eletronic in its working, and there's nothing that says it's not one of those very antique ones.

AS Wilson: Removed

  • Uh, in the same way that real life EMP can fry your CD player, but not your brain or a steam engine, perhaps?
for being natter, and also for being wrong and not wanting to start up a cute little debate in the main entry. The point was that the "magic EMP" suppresses things (like steam engines) that actual EMP doesn't. EMP is, of course, strong electromagnetic radiation, which can have rather unpleasant effects on the brain and other various important organs.
