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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

On Ghaleon's "face-heel-turn" bit... Eternal Blue was inspired as a response to the introduction of "Journey into the West". The writer felt cheated that Sun Wukong, despite all he had achieved and all the power he commanded, could not escape Buddha's palm. (Word of God) He considered it an insult to the "power of humanity" that he could simply do nothing. In the Sega CD version of Silver Star, Ghaleon claimed his motivation was to guide the power of the Goddess better than she could herself. He blamed her for Dyne's loss of magic and dragonmaster status- he lost them when she sent him to deal with the crazed black dragon, which he felt she should've done herself. It's also strongly implied he was of the Vile Tribe, and was none-too-trusting of her to begin with due to that whole "you left us in a dying wasteland while humans got this nice fertile world" bit.

Speculation———— I figured his reasons for aiding the party were that he decided the world was simply better off with no gods whatsoever, or at least with humanity taking care of itself. In brief, agreeing with the decision Dyne & Althena made to let humanity live their own lives.
Query———— Uhm, I played SSSC and from what little I know of Eternal Blue...Doesn't Althena's Gambit to die count as a What the Hell, Hero?? And even if it doesn't, then the treatment of the Vile Tribe certainly does. Or am I way off base?
