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Archived Discussion Main / LukeYouAreMyFather

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Servbot: Mentioned in this Discussion before The Great Crash swallowed it up, but... considering how the Luke, I Am Your Father trope is any parent-child relationship reveal (and looking at its Discussion page, it also includes sibling reveals, and likely every other family-relation reveals), why was this created?

Circeus: Luke, I Am Your Father is when two long-standing characters are revealed to be related. This trope is when a new character is introduced and almost immediately revealed to be related, typically so that the relative was not known to have ever existed, which is why this page is mostly about descendants, while Luke, I Am Your Father can be any relationship.

Idle Dandy: Even with the spoiler tags, the quote at the top has just utterly spoiled the new Indiana Jones movie for me. I don't have to highlight it to know exactly what it says. Perhaps such things could wait more than a day after the movie comes out? Seriously, this is a spoiler trope. Just mentioning the movie on this page spoils it.

Eric DVH: I don't read the EU, but there HAS to be a Star Wars example out there somewhere. Anyone?

Ununnilium: Ad-based hilarity: An ad for helping you get child support you're owed on this page.
