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Archived Discussion Main / LovableTraitor

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Croaker: Have to say that while Mai-Hime Nagi fits, Mai-Otome Nagi doesn't. Much different character, and very much the prime villain of the series.

Kendra Kirai: I also wouldn't call him 'lovable'. Unless you could 'love to hate'.

Caswin: Thirded. Even if she had no choice but to go along, I counted every single opportunity Mai wasted to punch him in the face.

Jordan: Not sure I'd agree with Snape as a Loveable Traitor. Enigmatic Minion certainly, but being a loveable traitor seems to imply that the other characters would think of Snape as a likeable guy even as he double-crosses them, which isn't part of his character at all.

Rothul Agreed. Snape is neither lovable, nor, in the end, a traitor. Removing it.

Lina: Allan a Dale from Robin Hood doesn't really fit. He does match part of the description (like about not telling your enemies everything they need to know), but there's a more enigmatic role and personality that goes along with a Lovable Traitor, and he ain't got it. We know where he stands all along, and he never truly enjoyed the betrayal.

Mercury: The Cheshire Cat entry under literature confuses me. He belongs to nobody's side, so can't really be a traitor to anyone (not even sure if there are sides in Alice in Wonderland). He's more helpful than not throughout the book. The most trouble he causes Alice is to appear at an inopportune time during the croquet game, which draws the attention of the Red Queen, but then he disappears again and the Duchess takes the fall, so it's not like he's even caused any trouble for Alice. I think maybe whoever added him might be thinking of American Mc Gee's Alice? Anyway, I'll leave it for now, but if anyone agrees with me, speak up.

KiTA: Should this be Loveable Traitor or Lovable Traitor? I.e., is it this one or Loveable Rogue that's misspelled?
