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Archived Discussion Main / KaleidoscopeEyes

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Kaleidoscope Eyes: From YKTTW

Looney Toons: There is a certain amount of Truth in Television to this trope, though not to the extremes that can be seen in fiction. There is a particular shade of blue-grey that varies mostly by the local light conditions, seeming to shift from pure blue to pure grey depending on the light you're in. I've known a couple people with eyes of this color, and in fact one inspired my use of color-changing blue-grey eyes for a person with multiple personality disorder in my first (unpublished) novel.

Drow Lord: As one of those people (with the green-gray-blue eyes, not the MPD), I concur, though I will admit that they don't change with my mood.

Looney Toons: Snipped

  • Better yet, cut this Gordian knot by not writing fan-fiction at all.

as snark irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Doom Tay: Would it count if a character's eyes change as part of a transformation, such as Bruce Banner or Danny Phantom?
