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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Chrome Newfie: Does anyone have a problem with making the Ecchi genre its own entry? There are quite a few titles I could think of that fit the bill, and linking to Hentai as a genre doesn't seem quite right. Or is there a non-anime genre link that might be suitable?

Looney Toons: Sure, go for it.

Chrome Newfie: So let it be written, so let it be done.

The description of the term was cleaned up, as it was quite misleading and just representative of english-speaker misunderstandings.

Looney Toons: Got a problem with the title links here, Dark Sasami? At the very least Papillon Rose ought to have its own page, as it's actually a quite decent piece of work in its own right — and it uses its hentai elements for the humor value of their juxtaposition against a story that might have been Sailor Moon in a brighter light.

Darksasami: Just because a show may be good doesn't mean it belongs here—and I'm not singling out hentai when I say that. I did clean out the wikiworded hentai links, because they aren't on TV. The waiting words list is way too crowded with show titles anyway.

The point of this site is to identify television tropes and television idioms, not to create a definitive catalog of every show you think is good. Had I time and my druthers, I'd bulldoze half the anime writeups and some of the more obscure live action shows, get rid of all the waiting titles except those that are definitely in the collective subconscious, and start creating offsite links for any new shows people want to showcase.

Looney Toons: Point taken. Mind you, some of those pages were written 18 months or more ago, when the Wiki was much much smaller and I was single-handedly jumpstarting the entire anime section based on an empty "Anime Trope" page. Maybe I got a bit enthusiastic. Maybe not — I happen to think OVAs belong, because even though they are not broadcast, they are still made for the home television viewer.

Looney Toons: (Many months later) Well, time and the troper hivemind have ruled, and it seems that the focus of the Wiki is much much wider than we would have expected. I think maybe it's time to re-enable some of these linkages.

random passer-by: um... I've seen that NGE hentai video, and I think I originally added it to the page. Gendo Ikari appears in it but does not really participate. He just sits at his desk, doing the Gendo Prop(tm) thing with his hands, grinning like a maniac behind his hands. He just insults and browbeats Shinji when he appears. To the extent that anyone dominates anyone sexually, I suppose—well, I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it. And yes, Shinji looks either terrified or on the verge of tears the whole time. I find it amusing, but I'm weird that way.

Dentaku: The scope has indeed been expanded quite a bit. I am all for including all kinds of material, whether it is TV-based or not. There are very few Hentai-series being discussed here as of yet, which may simply be a matter of lack of interest—or people just don't dare to admit they're watching it.

Anonymous: Can Legend of the Overfiend really be considered hentai? It contains graphic sex, but the point of hentai is to be arousing, and Lot O is decidedly very, very, very, very un-arousing.
Janitor: Moving over a natter thing:
  • There is another fan-made hentai animation that is a parody of Neon Genesis Evangelion, featuring most of the significant characters in an orgy. It is quite well animated, with the voice actors doing a very good job of imitating the voices of the original cast. Disturbingly, most everyone who puts in an appearance is also very much in character, particularly Gendo as an intimidating dom and Shinji as frightened newcomer.
    • Whoa there, buddy. That's Too Much Information.
    • This Troper begs to differ.
    • This Troper wants a torrent.
      • So does this one, if only to see what the fuss is about.
    • This Troper has seen it, and it sucks hard, no pun intended.
    • Agreed. I've read fanfics that were better written than this.

High Five: Hahaha, win on the picture!

  • Anon: I don't get it...What am I supposed to think about?
    • Narvi: What does a chicken and a cravat have to do with anything, I wonder?
Ack Sed: Stared at it... thought about it... *facepalm*. Some puns should not be made. :-) Somfin: It really is a terrible pun. But it's so full of Swiss Moment that it's worth keeping.
