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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

In one ep of Hey Arnold! ("Phoebe Skips"), Helga refers to a classmate Sheena as a "granola girl"... the context is that she's serving Helga a "health plate" for lunch and talking about her gastrointestinal problems, prompting the comment: "That's it granola girl, you're dismissed! And take this health crap with you!" Does that make Sheena a granola girl?

fha: Took out
  • Who can forget the "Comic Book Guy" from The Simpsons?
He may be a balding guy with a pony tail, but he certainly is no hippie, extreme left wing, vegan or in any other way a Granola Girl.
Would Green Arrow count?
Does this really fit?
  • Steve Jobs's girlfriend from Pirates Of The Silicon Valley, who had a daughter with him named Lisa. His first reaction when she breaks up with him is to fire the entire Apple Lisa dev team.
It was kind of a stupid overreaction, but it doesn't really seem like 'granola' anything as much as a tantrum.

Remember, Granola Guys are just a little out of touch with the modern world but are still sympathetic, intelligent men; Granola Girls are stupid, irrational idiots who aren't just wrong about everything but are proud of it too. It's a much nastier trope than it seems on the surface.

Ross N: Seriously? There are quite a few completely clueless Granola Guys like Che from The OC, Brent from Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back or the idiotic hippies from South Park (or the stereotypical San Franciscans from the same show). And there are several Granola Girls who are the sanest, smartest people in the cast - Hayley from American Dad, Lisa Simpson (who might not be a full on Granola Girl but has at least dabbled in this trope) and Samantha Manson from Danny Phantom.

There might - filtered through the bile - be a semi-valid point at play but it certainly doesn't boil down to something as simplistic as 'Granola Girls are airheads, Granola Guys are noble sages'.
