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Archived Discussion Main / FurriesAreEasierToDraw

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Furries are easier to draw: From YKTTW

Azaram: "Subversion/invocation/whatever with a certain Chinese artist, ". Any hints as to who, out of the tens of thousands over Chinese history, possibly?

Almafeta: Also note that for some artists that this is a more extended version of "Anime Hair" — instead of just having the hairstyles and haircolors to tell characters apart in what can be a cramped (and black-and-white) medium, . Don't know if this would fall under this trope, or in another trope (Furries As Team Colors, maybe?)

The current picture comment (Easier doesn't help when you flat-out can't draw, unfortunately.) seems a little mean to the webcomic artist.
