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Archived Discussion Main / FloatingContinent

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.


Mhoram: It's not an entire continent, but would the floating party in the third Hitchhiker's Guide book qualify?

Shire Nomad: "otherwise-normal place that's floating in the sky". Don't see any reason why the party wouldn't qualify (though it's probably meant as a parody of the trope). We've already got cities and castles.

Doug S. Machina: Does the Smoke Ring from Larry Niven's The Integral Trees and The Smoke Ring count? Not so much floating continent as floating trees, with a society on them.

-Z-: is anybody really certain about that last comment on the Bo FII reference? there's kinda a lack of things in-game to back up that claim. although personally, aside from Deis/Bleu, there's nothing really linking the games together into one continuity, is there...

Tanto: Not only is Laputa not the ur-example (The Odyssey, et al), it's already on there. Please check to make sure you're not adding a duplicate example.
Tanto: Thank you for missing the point, Master Hand. The "End status" thing is part of the joke.

Master Hand: Joke? What joke? Either way, they are superfluous to the article, and mostly unmarked spoilers.

Tanto: They are not. See the part where it says "These places also have a higher-than-normal failure rate, so, um, watch your step."? That's the evidence.

If they're really huge spoilers (and most of them are not), mark them. Don't just axe them without discussion.

Master Hand: This time I cut only the superfluous ones, and merged the others into the normal text of the article. Ya happy now, punk?


Lavode: About the Dragaera example - wasn't Castle Black built on the ground and then raised (during a battle, IIRC)?

Azaram: Why is this 'floating continent'? I was expecting to see Septerra Core here, which has quite literal floating continents. Almost all the examples, including the page's picture, are individual buildings, or possibly small islands at best.
