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Archived Discussion Main / EvolvingWeapon

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Killing Things Makes Weapons Stronger: From YKTTW

Skarmory The PG: Removed:

  • The titular Sigil in Strife: Quest for the Sigil. It has been broken into pieces, and needs to be assembled piece-by-piece, becoming more powerful each time.
  • The Traveler's Sword used by the hero of Brave Story: New Traveler, upgrades every time you complete a quest and pick up a gemstone. The gemstones also allow the hero to temporarily return to his own world.
:As awesome Strife is (not to mention it not being titular so much as logular), those two aren't examples of Evolving Weapons. That's more like Mega Manning on a lowe level.
