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Archived Discussion Main / EnemyExchangeProgram

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Wielding Enemy Weapons: From YKTTW

Scifantasy: Regarding the World In Conflict question why there is so much armament on Liberty, Ellis, and Governor's '89 Governor's Island was still an active Coast Guard post. If there was a world war on, and I was the President, I'd probably want to defend New York from sea-based assault...not to mention that the Statue, at least, is a pretty important symbol. As to its being undermanned, I can see the bulk of fighting resources being shifted away if there isn't active fighting on US soil.

Renita: I know this isn't strictly the same thing as the trope, but I once saw a ROD/Star Wars fanfic based around the literal concept of a Villains Exchange Program. I was wondering if it'd be OK if I mentioned it here since the trope reminded me of it.

Bob: "ROD"? Read Or Die?

Renita: Yep. Wendy and Darth Vader switch places, much to Mr. Joker and Palpatine's dismay.

MCE: Does this trope also cover units that can permanently turn enemy units to your side?
