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Archived Discussion Main / DrivingStick

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

This editor would like to propose a new sub—trope, a more extreme example of the Driving Stick Trope, under the working title of ‘How do you actually drive a car?’ This editor is surprised it is not used more often in fiction as it has a tendency to crop up at work places in the UK. (Please respond if you know any other country where this is possible.) What it is, when filling out a job application, you may come across the question ‘Do you hold a full driving licence?’ Some people can trufully answer ‘yes’ without ever sitting in a car, let alone having learnt or know how to drive one. Some employers find this out too late. When the employee is asked “Why didn’t you say you couldn’t drive a car?” The employee can hand—on—heart say “You never asked.” The employee learnt & passed his test on a motorcycle.

Medinoc: This trope needs a pic with both stick layouts: The currently pictured "H" one, and the "Y" one with "Reverse" next to "1st gear".
