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Archived Discussion Main / DeusExNukina

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Deus Ex Nukina: From YKTTW

Barrett808: In Aliens, how does the atmosphere processor's reactor actually get fubared? Is it Drake and Vasquez opening fire under the reactor? (My thought.) Or is it the drop-ship crash? (See YKTTW discussion.)

fleb: Those "subversions" sound like perfectly straight Nuke 'em, not this.

Cut this out: AFAIK the N2 / NN stands explicitly for "non-nuclear". Japan and its nuke taboo, you know.


  • A rare female example in Neon Genesis Evangelion. One of the Angels is just too strong for any of the EV As to defeat manually, so Rei runs an "N2 bomb" (read nuke) into it. It kills her, but that's why it was Rei.
    • The attack still fails.
      • If we're talking about her nuking Zeruel, then no, it didn't kill her. ARMISAEL, on the other hand...

Nuke Ex Machina sounds so much better. Why isn't it the name of this trope?
