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Archived Discussion Main / CreepyTwins

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

osh: Whoever keeps adding back the Olsen Twins as an example here has no idea what this entry is about.

Mister Six: Maybe it's a... joke?

osh: Serious Business !

Darmok: I just found a reference to it in Search Wiki Discussion, of all places.

Rock: Whoever wrote the Final Fantasy IX example missed the point. Kuja says that Zorn and Thorn weren't twins as an insult towards them, effectively saying that he (or perhaps someone else; their past isn't really elaborated on) turned them into the Creepy Twins they are from two essentially different people. He then goes on to turn them into the monstrous form that the party fights them in, a bizarre mutant formed by combining two unlike entities. At least, that's what I got from it. It'd explain the strange appearance, as well as their taste for poisonous and viral spells.
