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That Other Airbender launched as Copy Cat Sue: From YKTTW

Working Title: That Other Airbender: From YKTTW

Moocow1452: Oh, wow. The write up looks great, much better than when I started out. Thanks Ethereal Mutation!

Nornagest: Cut the following —

* Deconstructed in Star Trek Voyager, where Voyager finds another Federation Ship out in the middle of the Delta Quadrant, wormholed over by the Care Taker. But the Starfleet Luck doesn't seem to be with this ship, considering they can count their remaining crew on two hands, their ship is a complete mess, supplies are low, and they mutilate antimatter aliens to help get them home faster. Did I mention they'll do anything to keep that last bit a secret?
** The new Battlestar Galactica also had a storyarc where they discovered another Battlestar that had escaped the Cylon holocaust. Too bad Admiral Cain was kind of Ahab-like and resorted to pillaging civilian ships and taking what she considered necessary, as well as allowing her sole Cylon prisoner to be raped over and over again.

These examples might find a home in Last of Their Kind or something similar, but this is a fanfic trope. While it's possible for canon works to deconstruct fanfic tropes, it's exceedingly rare and usually a lot more obvious than this when it happens (see Buffy's "Superstar" episode).

fleb: Well sorikarona deleted her Naruto-clone deviantart pic. In retrospect we probably shouldn't have linked to it from the main page. The temptation to follow it and point and mock was obviously too great.

Meet D-Phantom. He's like Danny Phantom, but with a cloak!
(later): Maybe we can avert the implosion this time with the D-Phantom pic? Here's the link, but let's keep it off the main page.
(edit): Actually, reading the bio, he qualifies a whole lot less than Sora "Uzamaki." Let's go back to her.
Nicholas Onimura: Something that bugs me: Why was that whole bit about Sonic recolors on this page removed? The less said about them the better?
