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Archived Discussion Main / BroadStrokes

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Broad Strokes: From YKTTW

KJMackley: I cleaned up the Star Trek list of examples because of poor multiple editor formating and the last episode of TNG involved time travel with a Reset Button, so while the time travel is canon, the way events unfolded was restored to its original timeline.

Random guy making first edit Can I just... delete a reference? The reference to 300 is farcically incorrect.

  • Yes, but it's best to explain deletions on the discussion or at least in the "edit reason" field.

Blork: Removed the following:

  • Star Trek Deep Space Nine seems to suggest that somehow the Cardassians share territorial borders with The Federation, the Klingons and the Romulans, who all share borders with each other as well. Not entirely sure how that is possible geometrically without one completely surrounding the other.
    • Space isn't two-dimensional.
    • Star Trek space is.
    • Think of a shape like soap bubbles clumped together and it might make more sense.

because (a) it's wrong, even in 2D it's possible to have four mutually adjacent regions without one surrounding the others (plus of course space is 3D and there is nothing to say the empires are all contiguous regions), and (b) even if true it would only be a continuity error rather than anything to do with this trope.
