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Archived Discussion Main / BodyHorror

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Masami Phoenix: Why do we have a picture of Rosie Odonnel here?

Zephid: Ditto. She's not even listed as an example. Someone making a point could've done a better job of this.

Man Without A Body: It was kind of funny, though.

WereJoshPeckPrince: Says the man who has no body. You want real body horror? My older brother has a best friend who can mutate any part of his body at will. And I can turn my chin into Jay Leno's chin at will.

Man Without A Body: Oh, yeah? Well, I'm named after a guy who was in the movie Freaks. Real body horror, with no special effects. Everything you see in that movie is real.

Were Josh Peck Prince: I see. But if it's got actual body horror in it, why are you named after a guy who does not have a body? It's just not body horror without the body part of it.

Noaqiyeum: Is it just me, or is about fifty percent of everything following Mister Potato Head not really an example of this trope?

WereJoshPeckPrince: Why would you have a picture of Rosie there in the first place? Last time I checked, I didn't see that there. I saw that girl-octopus thing.

Antheia: Not-Known-troper-with-IP-number- (who signs their comments Were Josh Peck Prince): deleting other people's comments in Discussion pages isn't exactly the smartest thing to do, since it shows up in the page history. Restored page.

Were Josh Peck Prince: About the botfly, they can be found in almost every part of the world except New Zealand and maybe the north/south pole. How is it that they appear in most other countries except New Zealand?

Antheia: Cut/reworked lots and lots of natter - see page history. The following discussion... should not be in the main page, but is so amusing it should at least be kept here:

  • Everything by manga artist Junji Ito.
    • Sing it with me, "drrr... drrr... drrr..."
    • I just looked that up. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. I hope Satan rises up out of hell and sodomizes you with a rusty twelve-inch-long cheese grater dildo studded with fishhooks and broken glass. FUCK YOU.

Were Josh Peck Prince: I have to say I like what you've done merging both the Body Horror section with the Transformation Trauma section, and that picture on the main page is very apprioate. I wonder what that poor girl is mutating into because it looks like she's mutating into an octopus or something.

Man Without A Body: I'm removing the Videodrome quote from the header, because it actually refers more to New Media.

Vega: Whoa, whoa. Under Real Life:
  • These abominations against god should have been aborted(not that it's legal over there).
I don't care what your stance on abortion is. These are actual people you're talking about. You do not get to call a kid who's done nothing to you but get born with a deformity an "abomination before god." You do not get to pass judgment on parents of kids living with birth defects because you find their appearance disturbing. I have known people who have had to make the decision whether or not to bring a profoundly deformed child into the world who would likely live their life in constant pain. It is fucking gut wrenching, and you do not get to go look at some photos after the fact and just blithely decide someone else's child should never have been born. Cut.

To everyone else- apologies for ranting.

Were Josh Peck Prince: Hey, Man With No Body. I'm just curious. Which Freak from Freaks are you named after? Is it that African American guy who's just a head with a sock who doesn't have any arms or legs?

L Guardinal: U-ugh, I do NOT remember this page being so disgusting the last time I read it. If there is a God in this wiki, the Real Life page will be wiped from my memory with my prayers. Sob.

Great Pikmin Fan: Who changed the picture? I think Monoko was scarrier. That was just... Cool looking... in a way...

    compare which is worse: 

BritBllt: Removing this bit of conversation...

  • ...It freaked this troper (Xuxi Rawe 23) the hell out when she first read it, but some (like Blogger Beware's Troy Steele) thought it was senseless, vile trash and has personally threatened to kill R.L. Stine for penning this. See [ this blog post] for details.
    • In Troy's defense here, he didn't threaten to kill Stine. I think that's a serious accusation to make. Troy said that due to his hatred of the book, he had trouble not writing (in his blog) empty threats directed at the author.

For what it's worth, I read the blog and couldn't find anything about wanting to kill the author. It's a good description of the book though, so I'll see if there's a way to work the link back in without the natter.

BritBllt: Just cleaning this up for a few reasons...

  • Literature: Necroscope - I would like to say the vampiric Wamphyri are utter kings of this trope, easily overthrowing the Tzimisce in terms of full-blown body nastiness. The Wamphyri, "anciently wise, utterly devious, and immemoriablly evil", are a type of shape-changing vampire in an alternate world where they reign supreme. Not only do they hunt down humans (as well as Trogs, primordial humans) for food, they use them as main ingredients for creating hideous/undead constructs formed in vile vats of transmuted human and Trog fluids. These involve "gas beasts", who clean their Aeries (mountain bound mansions), "siphoneers", "warriors" which they use for battle, and "flyers" which they use as winged mounts. In fact, nothing is ever wasted as the remaining (and usually still living) bodies are grotesquely altered and used to build their looming Aeries, and are even formed into furniture or hardened into exterior sheaths, to protect the aerie properties from the elements for their vampire masters. They are constantly embroiled in territorial "blood wars" with their other brethren and will even use them in their nightmarish experiments.
    • One of the Wamphyri happens to be a former human named Boris Dragosani who had the ability to outright control the dead against their will, unlike the hero Harry, whom the zombies obey willingly. He would use his powers to find answers in the blood, guts, and marrow of his zombie victims, and though the zombies could not feel pain, he had the power to make them feel it! "It was never his way to simply question the dead for their secrets, for then they might lie to him. No, his way was to rend them apart and then read the answers in torn skin and muscle, in shredded ligaments and tendons, in brain fluid and the mucus of eye and ear, and in the very texture of the dead tissue itself" Brrrr.
    • Even the natural creation of Whampyri is pure body horror. A Whampyri is a result of a human being infected by a parasitic leach, which changes their body structure and heightens their lust and power over remorse. To create offspring, the vampire leeches of the Wamphyri create a single egg, which is then put into a potential host, called an egg son or egg daughter. The egg children usually lose consciousness during the transformation due to the pain of the egg merging with their bodies. Should a Whampyri die, the leech will try to abandon its host and search for a new one. An exception to the single egg laying Whampyri, are the "mothers" whom all Whamypri fear due to their ability to lay countless leech eggs (but not before being drained into a lifeless husk).
    • It takes ALOT to kill a Whampyri, due to their lighting fast regenerative abilities. The only ways to kill a Whampyri. Even piercing the leech with a some sort of wooden stake will only paralyze the vampire until the offending object is removed.
    • The vampirism spread by Whampyri is also very infectious. Anyone infected becomes a vampiric thrall to the Whampyri who infected them, and even that is uncertain since they may one day be used in their labs to create grotesque monstrosities.
    • Like the Tzimisce, the Whampyri have almost complete control over flesh. They can mold their bodies into a variety of hidous shapes (for example, "Vasagi the Suck" replaces his mouth with a lamprey like sucker, after tearing off his jaw). This is also their main means of fashioning their creatures and war beasts.
    • In Necroscope: Deadspeak, A Whampyri infects the unborn child of a pregnant woman. The resulting spawn is a Wamphyri who rapes and vampirizes his aunt and cousin and even infects his own mother.

Okay, examples go at the bottom of their sections, not the whole page. An asterisk should go in front of the example, and the example should be right beneath the last example in whichever section it belongs, but above the "[[/folder]]" line. Also, that example is way too big. I'll add what seems like the most relevant part to the page for an example of how a normal edit should look.

I'll add in this bit...

  • The natural creation of Whampyri in Necroscope is pure body horror. A Whampyri is a result of a human being infected by a parasitic leach, which changes their body structure and heightens their lust and power over remorse. To create offspring, the vampire leeches of the Wamphyri create a single egg, which is then put into a potential host, called an egg son or egg daughter. The egg children usually lose consciousness during the transformation due to the pain of the egg merging with their bodies. Should a Whampyri die, the leech will try to abandon its host and search for a new one. An exception to the single egg laying Whampyri, are the "mothers" whom all Whamypri fear due to their ability to lay countless leech eggs (but not before being drained into a lifeless husk).

Hope that helps!
