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Archived Discussion Main / BizarreAndImprobableGiraffeHerdingTechniques

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Seven Seals: This... is sick and wrong and I'll have to learn to keep my big mouth shut from now on.

Screw-the-duelists-i-have-money-in-america:why do i have a sneaking sensation that the joke is on me?

Seth: Because you misunderstood the joke? Don't make me explain it (But i will have fun adding the mark up to your comment)

Being X:please explain it

Seth: It's equating getting people to agree to something (Consensus building) to having to herd giraffes. Then it says that there are no methods. Just a funny Title Bin entry put to use as a joke.

I can't believe i just explained that. I feel dirty.

Being X: i don't agree, i think that it's a metaphor the human condition that is very complicated and involves the platypus

Seth: It is a sad time in a young man's life when he realises not everything involves the noble platapai. And stop forgetting to add your mark up.

Being X: it is an even sadder time in an old man's life when he forgets that everything does in fact involve the noble platapai.

Mr Etaoin Shrdlu: Please. It's platypi.

Seth: Don't make me say ni or the even more dreaded Ekke Ekke Ekke Ptang Zoo Boing z'nourrrwringmm :D (Why must each of our conversations devolve into monty python)

Tangent128: spam spam spam spam Spam Spam Spam Spam LOVELY SPAM!!!! WONDERFUL SPAM!!!!

bye bye miss american pie, drove my chevy to the levy but the levy was dry (there is actually a monty python joke in there, but you had to be at the right performance at the right time to get it)

Seven Seals: This... is sick and wrong and I'll have to learn to keep my big mouth shut from now on, redux.

Being X: this is not sick or wrong this... is... sparta!

William Wide Web: Actually, it's Athens. Sparta's over there. It's right next to madness and blasphemy.

Tanto: And people accuse me of wanting to destroy the wiki's sense of fun? *shakes head sadly*

Fast Eddie: Re: Cut request. This has to do with humor. Keep.

Thinks Too Much: When clicked on "discussion", I intended a single line: "What the hell?" Now, having read it, I will not be typing that. I will be typing What the hell?
