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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Octal: "DO NOT try this with: Pv P, Real Life, El Goonish Shive (or any of its derivatives), Order of the Stick, or Penny Arcade. Irregular Webcomic should be okay, though." What? Why not? Order of the Stick is even one where it's a good idea to do this when reading it for the first time, since it's all one big storyline with continuity. El Goonish Shive is, too.

dkellis: Probably because of precisely that reason. Also, the mentioned webcomics have been going on for a long time.

Archive Binge doesn't so much deal with the quality of a webcomic's archive as the quantity.

Octal: Nyyyeeeaaah, I guess. It's just that I like to read as much as I can at once when it's a storyline. Then all the events stay fresh in my mind, you know? Oh, well.

smackfu: Does this cover other types of archive binge, like a DVD binge, or is that covered in another Trope? Because it seems very parallel, especially with the abrupt transition from 10 episodes in one day to 1 episode per week.

Marie: I prefer to read the archives before I start reading the daily/weekly comics. I only just started reading Order Of The Stick fairly recently, and the archives only took me a couple of days. I did it a couple of years ago with Kevin and Kell, a daily comic which began in 1995, that did take forever.

Tangent128: Can't remember how long it took me to get through Order Of The Stick, but it was definitely shorter than it took to get through Ozy And Millie. Probably comparable to Girl Genius and Evil, Inc.. Definitely longer than Erfworld.

Ununnilium: I'm pulling it out; it's pointlessly alarming:

Citizen: Some are easier to binge than others, depending on how they format their images, regarding batch download utilities. And this trope easily matches other media; manga, DV Ds, whatever. This could be generalized a bit...

Pilomotor: Why did it even say Irregular Webcomic was safe, when its archives are probably longer than anything that was specifically warned against?

Duckay: Probably because you can break up the Irregular Webcomic archive into chunks by reading by theme instead of from start to finish - first one theme, then another, then another. I don't see what this page was talking about, though. I read all of Penny Arcade in two days, and a week later, I'm almost fully recovered.

Hordriss: What about PH Dcomics or userfriendly? The former nearly killed my degree, and the latter is currently killing my social life. I can only go through a few months at a time.

Unknown Troper: Why is it only common for new readers of this wiki to binge?

Alyeris: Think all of you are bad? I just spent the 3 weeks of my winter break going through Sluggy Freelance, 8 Bit Theater, Misfile, Order of the Stick, Looking For Group... My eyes are bleeding...

Andrew Carlssin: Archive Binge and Archive Panic should be combined... or re-shuffled or something. They cover a lot of the same ground. The "webcomics" sections of each, for example, are almost exactly identical.

Deadguy: Agreed. They both basically mean "this thing has been going on for a long time, and there's a lot to get through". Hell, they're both really just a list of Long-Runners, aren't they?

Boobah: So... why the heck is this:

Computer. Define "Earth." ...Define "Sea." ........ Define "Hoedown."
-The Captain, WALL-E

the page quote? That's a Wiki Walk, isn't it?
