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You Are The Tomatoes launched as You Are The Demons Discussion: From YKTTW

-Z-: regarding the La Pucelle stuff, judging from screenshots that ending is only sort-of canon, since while devil prier is shown playable, she's also shown doing a team-up attack with one of her friends, so the "abandoned by friends" part probably got the axe.

Fast Eddie; Re: Cutlisting. Seems okay. Meaning that the article seems okay. Not getting the reason for the cut request.

Ethereal Mutation: This is also pretty much just an unnecessary split from Tomato in the Mirror. Most of the examples from that article are this.

fleb: Tomato in the Mirror is when you're a tomato all along. This is turning into a tomato.

Luc: Yup. Tomato in the Mirror is You Are The Demons All Along. Side note: There's a moment in Quake 4 where you become the enemy in all but allegiance; would that count as this?

I removed the Soma Cruz example because that's Tomato in the Mirror stuff.

Document N: To the first, I'd say no, but it has separate trope potential (with Marathon Red, Breakdown, Far Cry Instincts and Van Helsing also being examples); to the second, wasn't there a bad ending where Dracula's soul was released and he became him again?

Shadow Queen: Could we PLEASE have a picture of the good ending of Eversion? This would be awesome for the page.

Document N: But...Spoiler Statute Of Limitations? The game's only like six months old, and not exactly mass-promoted; IIRC it only spread as far as the Dinosaur Comics front page a few weeks ago.

Isn't it kind of pointless to spoiler-tag the good ending of Eversion in the entry, when a picture (and accompanying caption describing its source) show up right at the top of the page?

  • Will this help? Now will all the whining stop? I'm getting a headache, and I will bring out the Fangirls!
    • Of course the link is uncensored. Not that it really matters, anyone who wants to play Eversion now knows its horrible secret anyway.

Removed a bit of the Doom natter, but it needs fixing more. Namely, removed the stuff arguing about how much genes are shared by twin siblings of different genders - if you're interested, it's an average 50% (of the genes that are not likely to be shared by any two random humans) exactly the same as non-twin siblings, not, as one poster suggested, every chromosone apart from 23. Genetics do not work that way; twins are either completely identical (and therefore the same gender) or fraternal, sharing only the same amount of genes as any full sibling.

Some Sort Of Troper: Trope was renamed from You Are The Demons due to frequent misuse to mean Tomato in the Mirror as matches the off site mean. Copy of the thread on the matter.

The Jackal: Changed all references to You Are The Demons on the page, and cleared some bad examples off the page for good measure.

Chad M: Deleted the caption from the image, in keeping with Spoiler Policy and my recent habit of deleting spoiler-tagged things altogether if they didn't add much (caption: Oh God I hate people who spoiler names of works so much, you never fail to make us scream!)
