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Archived Discussion FanficRecs / AxisPowersHetalia

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Solandra: I noticed that an Unknown Troper removed the less favorable comments on Discovering Ludwig, so I decided to put them here:

  • Bombay Kitten: I can't second the rec - the style of "accent" the author's chosen for Germany and Prussia is just egregious and barely readable. The story itself is decent, more or less, apart from some choppy writing, but the accent ruined it for me.
    • I agree. I hate it when heavy accents are added (unless it's canon, like Sweden's mumbling) and the writing of the story wasn't the best I've seen. I dropped it after the first chapter and don't believe it deserves a recommendation.

Fish Called Waldo: And I put it back in. We don't remove comments, unless everyone hates the fanfic, or there's so much chatter then it should be in the dicussion section. Seriously people.

Solandra: Gotcha. You re-inserted them underneath the wrong fic entry though; I've fixed that.

Fish Called Waldo: The heck did I post it under, then? But thank you — It's always difficult to get the comments under the right post.
