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Most Annoying Sound / Role-Playing Games

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  • Fallout 3:
    • The Railway rifle makes an irritating train whistle every time it's fired, and the Rock-It launcher makes a vacuum noise at all times when it's being held. Unsurprisingly, mods exist that have the sole purpose of silencing them.
    • Yes Dogmeat, there's an enemy nearby… No Dogmeat, I'm not going to kill him yet. There's still loot here/I'm a stealth-based character/there are more important things to do, like talk to the nice tied-up gentleman. *five minutes later* DAMMIT DOG, SHUT UP!
    • You decide to stop at your Megaton house. Every time, it starts out soft, then gains momentum. "...S/he is coming with the clouds, and every eye shall be blind to his/her glory!" Makes you reconsider your decision not to nuke the place to Hell. It makes going to Megaton a double-edged sword, as the chance to talk to Moira Brown does somewhat make up for it. But if you think Cromwell is bad, try navigating Megaton with high karma. "I wish there were more people like you..." "...ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodnotagainnotagainSTOPIIIIIIIIT!!!" *BANG*. So much for that Pacifist Run. Oh, and they bring it back in Fallout: New Vegas, though at least you don't have to worry about your stash being in Freeside.
    • So on your new game, you nuke Megaton to shut that idiot up. Now, every time you go to Tenpenny Towers, you hear the other sound, that ear-wormy little doo-bee-doo tune that plays CONSTANTLY. Even worse, you can't shut it up.
    • …and then once you get inside your home: "It appears you have been wounded, sir/madame, may I suggest you seek medical attention?" No, I'm going to sleep it off as always. You be lucky you give me purified water, or I'd turn you into a pile of plasma goo.
    • The bad karma noise that plays whenever you take anything that's not yours. If you're playing a stealth build you'll be hearing this a lot, especially in the early game when looting homes is a great way to find good guns and ammo. On that topic: if you move your crosshair over something stealable even for a nanosecond, someone nearby will assume you're considering taking it. And they will let you know of this every time. New Vegas thankfully removed this, so it's safe to actually look at things again.
    • Anything Benjamin Montgomery says in the Anchorage DLC. His constant borderline-racist taunting is incredibly obnoxious.
  • Fallout: New Vegas:
    • ED-E, a robot companion whose chirping and combat music can be mildly annoying, but nothing like the constant whirring noise as it follows you around.
    • ED-E's noise is constant but subtle…until you upgrade the robot, after which it changes pitch and perfectly imitates the static-y death of a set of cheap speakers. Not fun.
    • Every single time he sees an enemy, not even engages it, you hear the same six-second sound sample straight from a Western which for some reason none of the enemies can hear.
    • Also, for those of us playing on Hardcore mode, that ears-ringing sound you get when you get a concussion. Especially if you're miles from the nearest town and don't have a doctor's bag or a Hydra.
    • Any time you use the Fixer, a sound effect disturbingly similar to being hit by a large glob of poisonous slime will periodically play at TWICE THE VOLUME OF EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE GAME. "Oh shit, did I just get hit by a fucking Cazador or something- oh wait, never mind, that's just the game trying to punish me for healing myself."
    • Dead Money: You will learn to dread the sound of a beeping bomb collar. And you'll loathe Dog/God and Dean for their repetitive, insulting and often threatening banter. (Christine is mute, making her considerably more bearable.) Honest Hearts: Follows-Chalk constantly remarks on civilisation. His misinformed opinions are funny... the first time. Old World Blues: The programmers actually assumed not every player would enjoy the fully personalised, chattering appliances in the Sink, and allows you to turn off the personality programming while retaining their functions.
    • Enter the part of Freeside that contains Mick & Ralph's, and prepare to be bombarded by non-stop ads for it from their crier out on the street. Even worse is he just so happens to be the only crier in the city who's a kid, and therefore the only one you can't shut the hell up.
    We've got stuff we're not even allowed to sell, people. Only at Mick and Ralph's!
    If it can be bought, it can be found at Mick & Ralph's!
    • The OWB Stealth Suit Mark II: "No more stimpaks!" "I can't give you anything for that injury." "Maybe you'd be better off with an Auto Doc suit." And unlike the Sink appliances, her personality can't be turned off.
    • If you are being attacked by several human opponents at once, the stream of "Die, damn you"s and "This is the part where you fall down and bleed to death"s become annoying quite quickly.
  • Brave Story: New Traveler has Yuno's sort of "Piw!" sound whenever she does most of her attacks. Considering she's the only one who can steal, and some of your quests require heavy use of it, you will be getting very sick of it.
  • Albion has a particularly jarring feature, that causes the game to notify you THROUGH THE COMPUTER'S INTERNAL SPEAKER, nonetheless, if a bug is encountered. It happens quite often (at least two, completely useless spells do it, and a boss character that throws knives, while lacking the appropriate animation). The game manual specifically states: "If the encountered bug doesn't interfere with gameplay, ignore it". Thing is, if it DOES interfere with gameplay, the game crashes in a spectacular display of colors. So what exactly is the point of having it around other than tormenting your eardrums and your roommate, is beyond me.
  • Dragon Age: Origins:
    • "Should I fetch you a ladder so you can get off my back?" Do yourself a favor and don't pick the voice-set that includes this response. And while useful, the "Trap detected" response can be really annoying in areas with a bunch of traps nearby.
    • Alistair's "Alright, let's GO!" thing, which he seems to do every. Freaking. Combat.
    • This should be easy enough, This should be easy enough, This should be easy enough...
    • Also the sound effect accompanying the champion's Rally ability. Every. Time. Someone. Enters. The. Affected. Area. In other words, constantly.
    • The Aura of Insolence sustained ability as well. Every five seconds...WOOSH....WOOSH...WOOSH....
    • "Warden senses...tingling!"
  • Sacred:
    • The maddeningly annoying Sakkara priests, who come in packs and have a spell that can temporarily freeze you in place. Worse, the female ones have the shrillest, most grating voices imaginable. And unlike their male counterparts, they never. Shut. Up.
    • And even when you kill them, they have the most drawn-out death wails in basically the entire game.
  • Anyone who has ever played Blue Dragon knows that the most annoying sound is actually the music. The 'rock' soundtrack that plays every time you enter a bigger/boss fight... Especially if a lot of fights are happening right after each other is grating to say the least. Some Bruce Dickinson wannabe doing his best to sing a very repetative song gets very annoying very fast.
  • In any Shin Megami Tensei game with the Press Turn system (Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne and IV, as well as the Digital Devil Saga series), the sound of an attack missing or being blocked is this, especially because missed and blocked attacks result in losing two turns instead of one. Even worse is the sound of an enemy repelling or draining an attack, because in either of those situations you lose all of your turns.
  • In Persona 3, the in-battle comments by the outside support character.
    • "The ENEMY's reTURNED to NORmal! The ENEMY's reTURNED to NORmal! The ENEMY's reTURNED to NORmal!" She has two or three things she can say when an enemy recovers from being knocked down, but when you knock down a group and they all get up in sequence, she seems to be programmed to say the same thing for each one. Her bad voice-acting doesn't help matters.
    • "It seems to have multiple weaknesses!" Fuuka's voice acting in battles was dismaying to many a Persona 3 player. When analyzing enemy weaknesses is a vital part of your strategy, and the voice acting makes you want to not even bother, something's gone horribly wrong.
    • At least it was bearable when Mitsuru was still taking the back seat.
    • After a certain point in the same game, enemies will run away from you rather than attack you. Cool. They run away with an absolutely horrible screeching sound. Not cool. And if you're hunting a specific enemy (like the game's MetalSlimes) in an area where everything runs away from you, mute the goddamn TV.
    • For some odd reason, the more human Aegis becomes the more annoying her battle quotes become, especially her squeaky "I need your help!".
    • Time to go fight Hermit, huh? Well, it's electric, so let's bring Take Mikazuchi, Akihiko and it should be easy. And then you hit it. AHHHH! AHHHH! AHHHH! AHHHH! Hermit is charging! "*gasp* The ENemy is CHARging an attACK!" AHHHH! AHHHH! AHHHH! AHHHH! Hermit is charging! GUARD FOR THE LOVE OF GOD Hermit used Giga Spark! Suffice it to say, just mute the fucking TV.
    • The loud-ass 'BZZZT' sound Tower enemies make when they cast. Urgh
      • Also the weird "BRRBLRGR" noise the Balances make when casting. Although it's fun to try and imitate!
    • Every time Yukari makes a normal attack that doesn't crit or hit a weakness before evolving her Persona, she'll say, "Please hit!" The sound gets rather repetitive after a while.
    • The Final Boss, the Avatar of Nyx, is a Marathon Boss that consists of over fourteen "forms". As a result, it goes on forever - meaning you will get tired of hearing the same voice clips over and over again:
      • "The time has come."
      • "All shall perish."
      • "...Nothing."
      • "OOOHF" when you hit it.
      • "The arcana is the means by which all is revealed."
    • Margaret yells "No!" every time she's hit, which can be multiple times for a single attack. Compare the fourth game, in which she only says this upon being defeated.
  • It gets worse in Persona 4, because the annoying things Teddie says to you usually occur when you're doing well. GO SENSEI! YOU KNOCKED IT DOWN! Thankfully, turning off the Event Voices also mutes Teddie during battles.
    • "That was coooooooooool, Yosuke!" After two or three of those... in one battle... you start pining for Yosuke to fail.
    • Izanagi forbid you fail to get the jump on the enemy or you'll be treated to "WAAAAAAAAH! Three enemies AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMBUSHED you!"
    • Rise doesn't get off easy either. "Gee, it's like an endless stream of 'em!"
    • Most of the voice acting in Persona 4 is pretty good, but some of the battle quotes can be downright infuriating when heard over and over again. Examples that stick out are Naoto's, "Someone finish this one OFF~~~~~~~!", Kanji's strange "URARR" sound during an all-out attack, Yukiko tends to shout "There!" a bit too much and often says it multiple times during her critical attack and the sound Teddie makes while walking in a dungeon. If Teddie is in your party, bring earplugs.
  • Persona 5 definitely improved on Mission Control, but they still only have one line for each party member if they hit a weak spot. "Heh! It's scary how good I aaam!", "Skull! You certainly shoved me!", "Joker, you're so cool!" Would you please shut up already!?
  • Neptunia:
    • Uzume Tennouboshi in her HDD form, Orange Heart. Her collection of quotes may grow on you after fourty minutes.
    • Even worse, her Japanese voice can make you cover your ears until you mute the volume.
  • In Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth, your party members get in on the Mission Control's job of pointing out the bleedin' obvious by remarking whenever you get near a dungeon feature. It's debatable which is more annoying: party members asking if you've seen the Power Spot right in front of you, or demanding to investigate the one on the other side of some water that you can't cross.
  • Several games like Skies of Arcadia, Endless Frontier and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time give female characters a strange grating bitchy laugh when they do something mean or violent for some reason. It also shows up in anime, see Noblewoman's Laugh for a longer list
  • EarthBound (1994):
    • Sometimes you would start hearing a chirping sound every other step. At first pretty mysterious and unnerving, because it wouldn't shut up after staying the night in an inn, visiting your mom, going to the hospital, using a healing spell or resetting the game. The answer? It was a chick that hatched from any egg you happened to get. As an egg it was a healing item, but if you didn't use it soon enough it would turn into a non-healing chirping chick.
    • But you can sell the resulting chicken for a good couple hundred bucks. Mother 3 does this too, with Fresh Milk. If you know anything about dairy products, you'll know not to drop the thing when it turns.
  • In Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria, Rufus yells "Get a load of this!" so much that it repeats while spamming his attacks into "GET A LOAD OF-GET A LOAD OF-GET A LOAD OF THIS!"
  • Paper Mario:
    • In order to help you find the Dry Dry Ruins, Moustafa gives you a Pulse Stone. The closer you are to the rock that reveals the ruins, the more frequently the stone beeps. It's an annoying sound that indicates a good thing.
    • Speaking of the Paper Mario games, the Critical Annoyance noise. During battles, it just keeps driving you crazy till you heal.
    • The sequel gives the player the Attack FX R badge, which makes every single one of your attacks sound like a cricket. For less skilled players (or those who would rather not grind), it's the only option for beating the first boss. Fortunately, you don't have any reason to use it afterwards.
  • The battle voices in the PlayStation Lunar remakes are based on the classes of moves the character uses. So every time the healer uses any healing spell, she yells, "Althena! Lend me your power!" Each time the lightening mage does the one thing he's good for: "Check THIS out!" And woe betide you if an enemy has a battle clip, it'll be "TIME! TO! DIE!" twice every turn.
  • SNES RPG The 7th Saga gave you a choice of apprentices to team up. One of the more attractive options was ancient android LUX TIZER who had high defense, high attack, high magic ability and even decent speed. The major drawback? CLANKCLANKCLANKCLANKCLANKCLANK. He was the only one to have (extremely loud) footsteps (loud enough to drown out the music). Adding insult to injury? You also get the typing noise from the text box whenever LUX IS TALKING (though to be fair, everyone gets that bonus).
  • In the independently-developed RPG called Symmetrys Saga in which both the "confirm" and "cancel" sounds were a sample of Chief Irons from Resident Evil 2 yelling "Everyone's gonna die!". Since it was a menu-driven RPG, this meant you had to listen to it every time you pressed anything. As if this wasn't enough, it was also used as a sound effect for some of the spells. Consequently, the background music was never audible, being drowned out by an impenetrable wall of "EV-EV-EV-E-E-EVERY-EV-EVERYONE'S G-EVERYONE'S GONNA DIE!"
  • Pokémon:
    • Low Health noise. It wasn't as bad in the original games, since the sound stopped as soon as you used a healing item, but if you're playing a newer one and your 'mon has a lot of health, the sound keeps going until it's finished healing! And what makes it even worse... THE BAR TURNS RED ANYWAY! ...
    • The Low Health noise has been remixed for the fifth generation. Unfortunately, it became this trope again once your Pokémon's HP goes down low enough and the low health music interrupts the epic music played during more important battles in the game (such as against N, Ghetsis, Colress or any Plasma grunt (especially in Black and White 2). Fortunately, it stops after a few notes in Gen VI and the battle music doesn't change.
    • The Poison Damage overworld chime. Every. Three. Steps. Especially when you have no Potions and are walking the last six steps to the Pokémon Center healing counter.
    • Caves. Suddenly, you hear the first few notes of the battle song... and again... and again... and again...
    • When most Pokemon come into battle, mainly when you are trying to grind. SKREEEEEEEEEEEEE
    • Jynx's cry. Loud and long.
    • The original Dragon's Den music is very high-pitched and shrill to begin with, but a couple of seconds in it starts to sound more like the composer just mashed the white keys on his keyboard and set the resultant cacophony to a beat than an actual song.
    • That damn 'OYOOOYYYYYY' squeal when you recall your Eevee in Let's Go: Eevee. So annoying!
    • The Gimmighoul cry in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is helpful when you're trying to find coins. Not so much when you're trying to focus on something else and can't find the coin, even though the cry's just getting louder. Even worse if you're in an unskippable cutscene and still have to hear Gimmighoul's cry while you try to focus on the plot!
  • Pokémon Battle Revolution's announcernote  is hated by all and loved by none. "Wow, giant Pokémon sure make this colosseum look tiny!" "It's super effective!!". "Taken out already." Will he ever stop talking after every decision or attack?
    • They're staring each other down! A critical hit! It's super effective! The trainers are using completely different types of Pokémon, the Pokémon are completely different types! Ohhhh, down and out! Is it down? It's down!
    • "What's the matter, trainer? There, it's a hit! YEAH! It's a hit! They go into battle poses! OOOH! GOOing DOWN! The crowd's excitement is building over this hot battle! Whoop! It's a miss. AND THEEEERE GOES THE BATTLE!" Thank heaven for no announcer in Colosseum and XD.
    • Instead, ‘’Pokémon Colosseum’’ has the alarm in the Shadow Pokemon lab. It’s triggered during the plot,you can’t turn it off, it replaces background music, and you’re ready to cheer when you finally get out of there.
    • Pokémon Stadium... Get up and use the bathroom, and comeback hearing "What's the matter, trainer?" "What's the matter, trainer?" "What's the matter, trainer?" If only my Dragonite could use Ice Beam on the announcer, not the opponent.
    • Thank God that you can turn off the announcer in these games, though.
  • Pokémon Puzzle League:
    • Ash Ketchum is quick to remind everyone that "I'm gonna win!" Several opponents note this with equal frequency (Lorelei: "Can't win 'em all"), and even Mewtwo mimics the line in a mocking tone.
    • The Pokémon get equally annoying whenever a player creates a long chain.
    • Since each character only has one line for any given thing that can happen, pretty much everybody falls into this trope.
      James: "I'm feeling giddy!"
    • Then there's Ritchie, Ash's rival from near the end of the Indigo League saga. Listening to him proclaim "WHO'S THE BEST?" over and over and over...
    • "Oh, man! Go, go, go!"
    • Gary was practically made with this trope in mind. During the first match against him (as well as when someone uses him during multi-player games), he'll give an incredibly annoying old man-ish cackle when he does a combo. If he removes garbage blocks, he'll say, "Keep on tryin'!" If he wins, he'll say, "Too good for ya? Heh, I knew it!"
    • During the second time Gary is faced in 1P Stadium, he'll give an incredibly annoying, "TOO GOOD FOR YA?!" every time he makes a combo, which he will do very often.
  • Lands of Lore's Gimlets. Pervading level 2 of the Urbish Mines with "Enh-heh-heh! Enh-heh-heh!"
  • Infinite Undiscovery: If you insist on spamming the call for healing button you have only yourself to blame. Calling Your Attacks on the other hand can get mighty annoying. Even Capell's normal combo attack comes with one.
  • Mass Effect:
    • Though it can be helpful, any variation of "Shields are down!" for you and your squadmates. Chances are, if you know what you're doing, the shields will recharge with no ill effects in time, so there's no reason to make such a fuss about it. And if you don't know what you're doing, then you'll probably not find the time to save yourself at this point anymore, anyway.
    • Mаss Effect 1:
      • The enemy krogan rasping "Watch out!" throughout the fight: irritating. Three enemy krogan rasping it through the whole fight: most annoying sound. Well, most annoying after female human/asari enemies constantly screaming "I WILL DESTROY YOU!" Which was promptly given to Jack in the sequel, where it's just as annoying.
      • In the Peak 15 mission on Noveria, you have to get the main power back on and fix the tram lines. The resident VI will oh so helpfully remind you of this....over and over again until it's done. At roughly the same decibel level as a tornado siren. Gets infuriating after about the second repetition.
      • Captain Ahern from the Pinnacle Station DLC likes to provide color commentary. Oh God. "There's no award for most times shot!" "Come on, Shepard, that medi-gel ain't free!" "Ooh! They're gonna feel that one tomorrow!"
    • Mass Effect 2:
      • "One less to worry about!" Thank you, Garrus, that was very helpful.
      • Asari Eclipse Vanguards spamming Warp. "WEAKENING THEIR INTEGRITY!" "DEPLOYING WARP FIELD!" "MIND OVER MATTER!"
      • In the Overlord DLC you are tasked with stopping a rogue VI-human hybrid from uploading itself onto the Extranet and causing a technological apocalypse. Sounds simple right? It is, but every once in a while you'll be walking down a corridor and all of a sudden the VI will rather loudly announce itself with a horrific, distorted scream that can most generously be described as the scream from suicidemouse.avi run through a tripod from War of the Worlds (2005). Especially bad if you're using headphones and have the volume cranked up.
      • Every single thing Harbinger says. "WE ARE YOUR GENETIC DESTINY THIS HURTS YOU IF I MUST TEAR YOU APART SHEPARD I WILL YOU WILL KNOW PAIN SHEPARD," e.t.c. and so forth. And if that wasn't bad enough, on higher difficulties he does it more. As in, every three seconds. It's nightmarish. It's egregiously nightmarish when you realize that it sounds like Pinhead from Hellraiser.
      • The excuses your allies give you when they don't have time to talk. If you're the kind of player who wants to know all about your crew, expect to hear a lot of "Can it wait for a bit? I'm in the middle of some calibrations", "There's a lot to do, Shepard", and "We are forming a consensus", among others.
      • When you pick up research/tech, Shepard will exclaim "This looks useful" or "I can use this!". It's usually not annoying, but when you get upgrades right after a climactic cutscene, it throws off the immersion ("Come on, Tali'Zorah vas Normandy, let's get back to the ship." "Yes... Captain." "WE CAN USE THIS!"). Also, for whatever reason, whenever FemShep says it, it's incredibly loud compared to all the other sound effects.
      • The alarms on the Hammerhead in the Firewalker and Overlord DLCs. Whenever the Hammerhead takes significant damage, it starts playing a fairly irritating alarm. Because the Hammerhead is armoured with old shoeboxes layered over bubble wrap, you will hear it a lot, especially in the Geth-focused mission (which is thoughtfully not the one labelled "Geth Incursion") and the Overlord DLC.
    • Mass Effect 3:
      • When scanning star systems, you need to be careful not to attract any Reapers by using it too much, because they will attack the Normandy and HHHOOOOOOOOOONNKK!!!!!!
    • Mass Effect: Andromeda:
  • Odin Sphere: Lets you know you have a warming/cooling/light potion on via a constant, high-pitched noise. Of course, with five main characters, each of whom goes to at least two locations where you need these potions, you'll be hearing that sound constantly for about a third of the game. Also, there's Mercedes's "Here we go!" about half the time when she reloads her magic bow. Also, "Ah ah ah, bombs away!" from random attacking dwarves.
  • The World Ends with You:
    • "Neku, do something!" if only because of the incredibly frustrating knowledge that Joshua could easily "do something" himself if he weren't so reluctant to break a sweat. Also, half the time he says it he's the reason you're dying, damn suicidal AI partner.
    • Shiki's voice is suprisingly tolerable in the English version but her Japanese voice will make your ears bleed.
    • [elephant trumpeting]
    • Because of That One Boss, just about anything Sho Minamimoto will say will grate on you...because he is a freaking pain in the ass. Hearing him say "Zetta slow!" is not that bad, but when he goes One-Winged Angel and starts yelling "SO ZETTA SLOW!" and "IIINFINITY!" in a roaring voice multiple times in a row, it becomes very annoying.
  • Everquest:
    • The sound made by EVERY SINGLE SKELETON in Everquest; it was so ubiquitous/annoying that it even got carried over into EQ2.
    • ...where they upped the ante by having the damn things speak. "I am shattered and broken!" x50. Oh yes. Most common types of mobs have voiced lines. EQ2 is made of this trope.
  • Skies of Arcadia:
    • THAT WAS EASY!! After every battle. Every. Single. Fucking. Battle. And of course, there's random battles, so you get to hear that a lot.
    • At least you could skip the ability ones, though early on in the game, just after getting to the point where my party generated enough Spirit to use it every turn, Lambda Burst and everything it entailed became more of a Most Wonderful Sound in my opinion, as I burned through random encounters at a much quicker rate.
    • The random voice clips during cutscenes. Why couldn't the characters be silent and let us read/skip the text in peace?
  • Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
    • The Joke's End music in the game is incredibly repetitive after even a very short period of time. Not bad music, but... it's pretty much a few notes repeating over and over, and all for the background music in an area where players will have to spend hours solving puzzles and completing mini games.
    • Any character who runs away during a comical moment usually makes a Hanna-Barbera zing-out whistle that gets awfully annoying very quickly. Prepare to hear it a lot througout the whole game and twice before the last battle with Cackletta's Soul. Thankfully, the sound effect is toned down in the Bowser's Minions remake.
    • Teehee Valley has an Escort Mission where you must protect Peach from getting kidnapped by the level's Mooks. If she is captured, she will emit a squeal of fright, followed by a cry of "Help me!". If you mess up on the spin jumps and pull her off the screen, expect to hear it often.
  • Baldur's Gate:
    • "You must gather your party before venturing forth." is a line nobody who has played Baldur's Gate can probably forget. Its Spiritual Successor, the Dragon Age series, features a Mythology Gag wherein you are asked whether you want "to gather your party and venture forth" upon reaching the location exit. Thankfully, it is text-only and by clicking "Yes", you don't have to wait for the party to catch up.
    • And of course, who could forget "You have been waylaid by enemies and must defend yourself."
    • In the German translation of Baldur's Gate, it's said in an incredibly smug and condescending tone. Oh, and the line is mistranslated to something akin to "you need to keep assembling your party", indicating you need to recruit more NPCs before being able to leave the area.
    • If you do a Solo-Character Run in Baldur's Gate II you will STILL hear that message.
    • It is so universally hated that practically all modpacks that include bugfixes will also incorporate the option to remove the area exit warning.
    • Throne Of Bhaal: "The drow rule supreme!" Yes. They do. At being killed. By me.
    • Also from Baldur's Gate, the sound of Aerie protesting that she's never walked so much in all her life.
    • Don't forget also NPCs who complain about morality being too low or too high, or even when they're content. They will make sure you know it.
    • "Noober: Everyone in town used to throw rocks at me and tell me I was annoying. I once knew this guy named Dilby. He threw rocks at me too. Are you gonna throw rocks at me?"
    • "What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now?"
    • In Baldur's Gate III, Lae'zel likes to spend her free time in camp sharpening her sword. Seemingly ALL of her free time. There's nothing like having a critical emotional conversation with one of your other companions and hearing a constant SKREEEEEEEEEEE of metal-on-grindstone in the background.
  • "JAG KAN INTE ANVÄNDA DEN MAGIN JUST NU!" from the localized Swedish PS1 version of Diablo (1997). It may possibly be spoken by BRIAN BLESSED!!!!!.
  • The Diablo (1997) multiplayer games the occasional sound spam made with the numeric pad. "Die!" "Time to die!" "Sorry." "Run!"
  • Neverwinter Nights 2: Each character has a different line, as well as several choices of voice for the main character. But the various "I cannot carry any more." lines quickly become annoying as you move items between party members.
  • EVE Online:
    • "Warp Drive Active." and even worse "You are unable to warp because you are warp scrambled."
    • More seriously, neither of those is as annoying as the noise of being in warp itself. It's gotten less bad recently, but for multiple years it was about ten times as loud as anything else on your computer.
    • If you don't fire-link your weapons, you could be treated to the sound of "The module has run out of charges has run out of charges has run out of charges has run out of charges has run out of charges has run out of charges has run out of charges has run out of charges." Covert Ops pilots may frequently hear "You failed to jump because you are cloaked."
  • Fable:
    • "Your health is low. Do you have any potions or food?" "Your will energy is low, hero. Watch that."
    • Fable II acknowledged this with a loading screen message that told of a rumor that the legendary hero who killed Jack of Blades killed the guildmaster shortly after, and the guildmaster was found with the words "Your health is low" carved into his head.
    • From the introductory practice fights to past his death, players are forever haunted by his words: "Try to get your combat multiplier even higher."
    • Or "There's an important quest card at the guild for you."
    • Once you get a crowd following you, the voice clips just get ridiculous. Even worse if multiple people want to marry you. Yes I KNOW I could marry her, stop showing me the hint.
    • And let's not forget the mind-numbing repetition involved with grinding gold doing bartending/blacksmithing/woodcutting jobs. "A fine head on that mug," indeed...
  • City of Heroes:
    • Every time a Peacebringer uses one of their powers, they emit a high-pitched whining noise. After about half an hour, you feel like your head's going to explode.
    • Many attack sounds for bread-and-butter attacks in either 'City Of' game can get annoying because you hear them so often, but the Peacebringer attacks get special mention because the high-pitched whine persists after the attack— as much as five seconds after, in fact. Both bread-and-butter Psychic attacks produce an obnoxious rippling sound whenever used— and the Sonic set's effects, both visual and aural, had to be toned down because they were entering Brown Note territory.
  • Gauntlet:
  • Po Po Lo Crois: The voice acting and the voice clips for just about every character except White Knight, Gami Gami, Leona, and Kimendoji are very high-pitched and almost all the characters sound like muppets. Some of which gets very annoying after awhile hearing them go "Yaaah!", "Saye!", "Low!", and "Jilva kick!". Leona's Dull Surprise voice acting might count. It becomes rather Narmy.
  • Kingdom Hearts:
    • "Sooora!!!!!" We get it, you're going to use Cure on him, WE GET IT!!! It's even worse when he shouts it WHILE you are dying, since it makes you know that you just MISSED your chance to survive this attack by a second. It's even worse because it's barely intelligible.
      • Donald tends to scream loudly when he gets hit by an attack. "Loudly" as in "reach for a box of Kleenex for your ears". And because does not realize that he is a Glass Cannon Squishy Wizard, instead fighting right beside Goofy on the front line, you'll hear it all the flipping time.
    • "SOMEBODY COME QUICK!" almost gives incentive to switch Goofy out of the party.
    • Yuffie in the fight against her and Leon. "Just give up, it'll be easy! Just give up, it'll be easy! Just give up, it'll be easy!"
      • Which becomes even more infuriating as once you've smacked her around a bit it changes to "Hey...let's talk this out! Hey, let's talk this out! Hey..."
  • Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories:
    • The Game Boy Advance version has this: every time Sora jumps: "HA!". Every time he attacks: "YEEH!" And considering how much you have to jump and fight in the game, you wish that a save point will show up soon so that your ears may rest.
    • Even worse in the battle with Ansem. "SUBMIT! SUBMIT! SUBMIT! SUBMIT! SUBMIT!" The four health bars he went through while yelling this would be bad enough if you had any chance of beating him without restarting many, many times. Worst of all, the only way to dodge this attack was to listen to the sound cues, so you couldn't just turn off the sound.
  • Kingdom Hearts II:
    • This can actually break your concentration on some of the battles where healing isn't an option, such as where Riku and Sora are riding together and attacking the giant ship. Usually with healing spells, simply retreating and healing is enough, but considering the long cutscene beforehand if you lose...
    • "I CAN'T DO THIS!" Simba will say this every time he's near death. And since he's a required assist for Scar and Groundshaker, you'll hear this way too often!
    • "DANCE, WATER, DANCE!" It's not that you hear it a lot, it's that it means you're about to find out why he's That One Boss.
    • And, of course, nobody can forget this from Phil: "GET UP ON THE HYDRA'S BACK!"
  • Rumble Racing in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep.
    • Fruitball against Chip and Dale. "Chipper! There ya go! Chipper! There ya go! Chipper! There ya go!"
    • Vanitas's banter everytime he counters your attacks will start to grate your ears particularly given the random chance of him doing it: "PATHETIC! TOO SLOW! PATHETIC! TOO SLOW! PATHETIC! SUFFER!"
  • Any time you find a potential for an ingredient in Kingdom Hearts III, expect the group to hear about a possible ingredient every time which gets rather annoying fast. And then when you collect it, you will also hear a comment on how the foods that "Little Chef" will make with it.
    • "What's the MATTER?" Wouldn't be annoying if that wasn't all Larxene says when you fight her.
    • At one point in Arendelle, you are required to look after Olaf's parts which is always accompanied by Olaf's grating voice every time until you find his head which given how much the level if filled with snow, will likely take a while. But even after you found his head, Donald and Goofy will still comment on finding the rest of Olaf's parts. Oh and to annoy players even further, every time you stumble to the place where you assembled his parts, you are expected to do it again with the same annoying voice. And you can't even run away from it. You have to do the minigame over and over again.
  • Most of the battle voices in Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, especially the skulls.
  • Dark Cloud:
    • There are several flying, stinging insect enemies. That buzz. There's a bug in the audio processing that occasionally causes an enemy's sound effects to not only continue playing after they've been killed, but 'increase in volume. It doesn't stop until you exit the dungeon floor you're on. Every so often, you'll get stuck with that loud, droning buzz for the entire level.
    • The irritating BEEPBEEP! BEEPBEEP! when your equipped weapon is about to break. In fairness though, unless you have Auto-Repair Powder equipped, chances are you won't hear it if you're careful.
    • This isn't half as bad as the constant piercing flute that plays in Norune Village. It's noticeably louder than all the other instruments, very high pitched and plays constantly throughout the day.
  • Runescape:
    • 'Training' in the Brimhaven Agility Arena? You'll be hearing that little song snippet that plays every time you get a ticket in your nightmares.
    • Don't ever stand near someone with a baby troll pet, unless you like hearing a ridiculously loud THBBBBBBBBB-AAAAH! every fifteen seconds or so.
    • Any sound made by dogs.
    • Standing around at a bank is instantly ruined the moment someone summons a Spirit Cobra. They already have a fairly grating hissing sound effect when their special ability (turning eggs into Cockatrice eggs) is activated; coupled with the fact that players will be spamming said special ability for several minutes with inventories filled with eggs, and that one can sell Cockatrice eggs for a decent profit, means that any sufficiently crowded bank that doesn't disable summoning familiars will run the risk of becoming absolutely unbearable with hissing noises.
  • The English dub of Xenoblade Chronicles 1 features this with That One Boss, Disciple Lorithia. As if this boss isn't irritating enough to be That One Boss without it, to add insult to injury, she keeps repeating, over and over again…"You'll pay for your insolence! You'll pay for your insolence! You'll pay for your insolence!"
    • Disciple Dickson also is more of a Damage-Sponge Boss... but wants to annoy you by going "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
    • Xord also has this with "I think a fly bit me!", and Egil with "You shall pay!"
    • Tyrea's scream would be Narm... if she only did it a few times.
    • "I'm really feeling it! I'm really feeling it!" "REYN TIME!", "Let's press on and on and on!", "Looks like you don't need my medical skills!"
    • On a more musical note, there's Vision Reacts and Enemies Closing In. Whenever you obtain a vision, and the future of that vision changes, Vision Reacts immediately overrides the current battle theme for the remainder of the fight. Enemies Closing In overrides the current battle theme immediately when a party member falls in battle or their tension goes down. And unless you change the future, this song plays throughout the rest of the fight unless you revive the fallen party members and restore their tension. These two songs wouldn't be a problem when fighting regular enemies... except these two songs play in almost every boss battle and every Unique Monster battle, as well as only TWO boss fights not playing those songs whatsoever! This means that the songs will ALWAYS interrupt the epic An Obstacle In Our Path and You Will Know Our Names.
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 2:
    • The phrase "We are Ursula's New Groove! And we'll do what we can!" will probably cause any completionist to twitch, as it plays every time you send Ursula on a Merc Mission to fill out her affinity chart. And you have to send her on a lot of them. Eventually the game was patched to make the phrase skippable.
    • In chapter 7, you're forced to fight a group of phantasms who really like calling their attacks. Specifically, "ROGUE!" and "EVERBERO!" Over and over. All at the same time. And due to the fact that the phantasms can summon more phantasms, the fight has a tendency to drag on.
    • DON'T FORGET ME! THINK YOU CAN TAKE ME!? It was enough to make Etika Rage Quit.note 
  • The Nopon's "MEH MEH MEH!" Verbal Tic can get grating by itself... and then there's Tora, who spouts it off constantly in battle. At least he has a few different ways he says it. But it can get extremely grating on Bringer of Chaos difficulty where an AI-controlled Tora will run around doing nothing instead of the combos you want him to do, all while screaming "Meh-meh!" in some way and leaving the Superbosses a generous window to One-Hit KO you.
  • Deekin's "Doom Song" in Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide and Hordes of the Underdark.
    • Hordes of the Underdark has Grovel, a goblin you can evacuate from the Undermountain and get him hired as a cleaner at Durnan's inn... unfortunately, from now on, whenever you hang around the inn's Well Room (which is where you keep returning to get free healing), you're subject to hearing Grovel constantly cycle through a small set of phrases in an infuriating, squeaky voice.
  • Baten Kaitos:
    • Xelha and Mizuti use spellcards to attack, rather than weapon magnus. Sounds good, except every time they play a card, they yell out the name. Given how you'll be playing five or six cards in one combo by the halfway point, you'll get really sick of 'LIGHT FLARE! CHRONOS BLOW! FIRE BURST! FIRE BURST! LIGHT FLARE!'
    • Similarly, characters have a set of three or four lines they say when they use healing items, and they say them for every item they use. Since you use healing items in combos...'Here! You need this! Take this! Use this! You need this! Here! Use this!'
  • Rogue Galaxy:
    • All the active characters chatter every now and then during battle. Not too bad for the most part, unless one of those active characters is Jupis.
    • Pretty much everything they say while you're just running around can fall into this category as well.
  • Ultima VIII: At this very moment, Britannia burns! Hark! Is that the sweet sound of lamentation I hear?
  • Invoked when Radiation said he wanted to make a Game Over "embarrassing" by making the Game Over screen in The Halloween Hack really annoying.
  • Monster Hunter has, fittingly enough, the monsters' roars, which render you immobile for the duration of the roar. Some monsters, if the RNG is spiteful enough, will roar twice in a row. Tigrex's roar is notable in that it can damage you.
  • A solid half of the background musics in E.V.O.: Search for Eden are ear poison in its rawest and most undiluted form. They are very short repetitive, looping after only about two or three seconds in some cases, and comprised of obnoxious ding and buzz sounds.
  • All enemies in Grandia II have a sound effect that loops constantly both in-battle and on the field. The worst are the man-eating trees, which make a frustrated, high-pitched "Hhhrm!!!", and Melfice, who is constantly laughing during his boss fight. This becomes especially bad when there are multiple instances of the same enemy in a battle, since the sound plays several times at once.
  • Shining Force Neo: "Hot stuff coming your way! Hot stuff coming your way! Hot stuff coming your way!"
  • Undertale: The sound of your character dying. Chak. Bwewewew! Especially on a No Mercy run, which features two of the hardest bosses in the entire game. And, the music that follows, mostly because it's a bit of an ear worm and you're going to hear it a lot more often on the aforementioned No Mercy run. Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo, doo — AAGH.
    • The True Final Boss of the True Pacifist mode can be this way for headphone users - because Asriel, during their first phase, will throw attacks that play a lot of sound effects at you in a short span of time, resulting in it getting irritating if you have the volume up too high.
    • Flowey's laughter, intended to also be a Hell Is That Noise.
  • Divinity: Original Sin II: The various dialogue shared between NPCs in towns, especially Driftwood. It's tempting to go on a killing spree just to shut them up.
  • Avernum: In Escape from the Pit, you constantly hear a woman saying something like "Daiyokeepokeh." in every town.
  • In Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, Rie Kishibe's voice and speech pattern get very grating almost immediately. It gets slightly better when she becomes Crusadermon. It seems to be this in-universe as well:
    Yuuko: I always hated the stupid way you talked. The fakeness of it? The attempts to sound younger? You were ugly and pathetic, in all honesty.
  • Those three damned klaxons and the "Emergency" message in Miitopia. One of your teammates is getting sick out of nowhere and you’ve no way of preventing it, ever.
  • Genshin Impact: In very cold environments, a Sheer Cold gauge appears. When running out of time on the gauge, a beeping sound plays indicating that the player should find a heat source. The sound gets annoying fast.
  • If the PC won the race instead of killing Claire's supposed murderer in Cyberpunk 2077 everytime V enters the Afterlife bar, Claire as the bartender will practically scream at them that she won't sell them drinks and they can leave, even if the PC is there to see her boss. It can quickly get on your nerves especially because she'll yell at you when you're both entering and leaving the bar and there's no other entrances or exits to avoid her. It made this troper even more glad he won the race just out of spite. It's a shame because it soured a likeable character through no fault of her own.
  • Radiant Historia: When the game got a 3DS upgrade, part of that upgrade involved the addition of voice acting and mroe sound effects. The problem this also added in the sound effect of all the "Goblin" enemies in the game. Wheather catching their attention on the field or their attacks in battle, their cries are all this distorted, loudly pitched noise that sounds more like a corrupted sound file than anything naturally made.
