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Eldritch Abomination / SCP Foundation

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The SCP Foundation deals with these things regularly.

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     Series I (SCP- 001 Proposals - SCP-999) 
  • Dr Clef's Proposal for SCP-001 ("The Gate Guardian") is a very scary example of Our Angels Are Different. Specifically, it is the angel that guards the entrance to The Garden of Eden. It is a massive entity hundreds of feet tall with many wings (up to 108) although usually only around 4 are visible. It carries a Flaming Sword that allows it to completely obliterate anything that attacks it or comes too close to it without visibly moving, no matter how far away the attacker is. It is believed that if it ever moves from its current position then the end of the world will begin. SCP-076-2 ("Able") who is one of the most dangerous Humanoid Abominations that the Foundation has and a massively Ax-Crazy Blood Knight, refuses to go anywhere near it and won't say why. (Although this makes sense considering that he possibly is an insane version of Abel from the story of Cain and Abel and so would know not to mess with it). It also has a Compelling Voice which it used to order somebody to create the Foundation.
  • qntm's proposal for SCP-001 ("The Lock") is a indestructible gemstone that is implied to have something horrible sealed within. It was originally discovered inside of what appeared to be the temple of a God of Evil, and what little could be translated of the runes found there appear to be a spell for sealing something called Apakht. Disturbingly, the black and white patterns on the gemstone resemble the universe's background microwave radiation, and the gemstone itself emits similar radiation, which might be implying that what is inside it could be a threat to the whole universe. Or the Universe itself. For some reason, The Foundation thinks that trying to open it is a good idea.
  • TwistedGears/djkaktus's proposal for SCP-001 ("The Broken God") is a massive Mechanical Abomination formed from many mechanical anomalies, believed to be the Broken God that the Church of the Broken God worships. In the 1940s, during World War II, the Church assembled many of their artifacts around SCP-882 (a mass of gears that assimilates any metal it touches and Mind Rapes people into feeding it more), the "heart" of the Broken God, in an attempt to remake the Broken God. However, things went horribly wrong; the "Broken God" escaped from the Church and began acting autonomously, behaving like a gluttonous beast that ravenously consumed all machinery, humans, and natural resources in its path, using all of these consumed materials to grow itself endlessly. The "God" crawled across Mexico and ate everything it can find, eventually growing to the size of mountains and able to devour entire villages with a single gulp, all the while spewing fire and smoke from within its belly and driving men looking at it mad. The monster was eventually defeated by a different godlike mechanical entity (which was given the cover story of SCP-2399), and its constituents were contained by the Foundation, with its heart (SCP-882) still endlessly screaming for more to eat. It is also eventually revealed that SCP-882 was't a CotBG artifact at all, and was instead made by the Factory. It was never the heart of the Broken God; SCP-001 was an abomination and not a god.
  • Whatever was responsible for the destruction of the world accessible through SCP-093 ("Red Sea Object"). It took over the world by claiming to be the Christian God and gave the world advanced technology, along with "his tears", some sort of purifying liquid that was liberally used to cleanse bodies of anything. Cold? Get submerged in tears. Murderous insanity? Submerged in tears. Cheated on your husband? Submerged in tears. They eventually warped victims into faceless, rampaging beasts that absorbed their victims to become stronger and bigger. The away team encounters several the size of skyscrapers. It gets worse than this. Much, much worse.
  • SCP-173 ("The Sculpture - The Original")
    • It only looks like a cheap statue. It's completely motionless as long as someone is looking at it, but it can move inhumanly fast if it's out of sight. For reasons no one knows, it likes to break necks. Blinking while in its room has fatal consequences. When the Foundation exposed 682 to it, 682 was terrified and immediately grew a bunch of extra eyes so it would never lose sight of 173. One of the short stories on the site offered a look into 173's mind, and it's not pretty. Worse, it turns out it's only playing a game of peekaboo for its own amusement. There's nothing stopping it from going on a killing spree if it gets bored.
    • SCP-173, being possibly the first SCP ever written and one of the most popular, has been subject to a whole lot of Alternate Character Interpretation. The spoiler above is just one possibility and it is up to reader to decide whether or not it is true since the SCP Foundation "has no canon," due to being written by many authors who don't always agree with each other. In one of the joke articles not meant to be taken seriously, the real reason it kills humans is revenge for the constant agony from the endless diarrhea the Foundation inflicted on it in one of their dumber experiments. The fact that SCP-682 is terrified of it enough that it doesn't try to attack it may or may not be proof that it is something eldritch. SCP-682 does not perceive reality the same way humans do, so what is an abomination to it might not be one to us. Something that does support, although does not prove, the theory that SCP-173 is something eldritch is the fact that SCP-682 immediately knew not to blink as soon as it saw SCP-173, indicating that it could perceive SCP-173's true nature. There is one other piece of evidence that SCP-173 is something much worse that what we know, and that is what happened when they exposed SCP-187 to it. SCP-187 is a woman with an unusual form of precognition that shows her what major changes any object or person she sees will undergo in the future. When she saw SCP-173, all she could do was scream until she collapsed into a catatonia for two days, and when she recovered she had no memory of what she saw.
    • According to this Wanderer's Library page it is actually the most recent reincarnation of the High Golem, the first of several monsters that were created as a result of Cain killing Able. If it is destroyed it will just come back in a new form.
  • SCP-178 ("3-D" Specs) is a pair of 3D glasses that allows the wearer to see invisible monsters that brutally kill anybody that tries to interact with them. It isn't clear how real the monsters are since they also seem to be intangible except when killing a victim and also make no sound. They are described as bipeds with extra limbs and too many eyes. They apparently are everywhere and they are always watching.
  • SCP-231-7 ("Special Personnel Requirements"), a girl of undefined age (with the estimated range having a single digit minimum), is pregnant with one, heavily implied to be an offspring of The Scarlet King himself. It will cause The End of the World as We Know It if she's not regularly and brutally [DATA EXPUNGED]. And maybe it'll do so anyway; a well-hidden poem in the article implies that the Foundation, far away from keeping it under control, is actually playing right into its hands.
  • SCP-245 ("SCP-RPG") is a sapient video game character who cannot be described outside of the context of a video game. The Foundation contains him by keeping him imprisoned in a game. At the end of the game he reveals that he is a Time Abyss who originally could exist in any form of writing, and the player battles with him in his monstrous One-Winged Angel form. After he is defeated he tricks the player into giving him the game's master password so he can escape into the real world, although if the player goes Off the Rails of the game, he realizes that you already know he is tricking you and that nothing he does actually matters because he actually cannot affect the real world and that he actually doesn't remember what you did in previous saves of the game.
  • SCP-354 ("The Red Pool")
  • Hello, I Am an Eldritch Horror. I will be one with all. I am an Alternate Character Interpretation of SCP-426 ("I am a Toaster"), also known as That Goddamn Thing.
  • SCP-435 ("He-Who-Made-Dark")
    • It's a meteor with one of these bound to it. It's got a very strange shape which includes fractal tentacles and can only be distinguished with computer enhanced images, is seemingly immaterial, any solids that pass through it tend to get violently accelerated at best, and if the meteor isn't illuminated at all times, the thing can move and grow, and might end up going into the ground, with undesirable results. The worst part? That's just the thing's shadow on this universe, it was he who made the darkness, and hates the light with a passion, which lead to its sealing to the meteor, from which it would take a mere 90 seconds of darkness to escape. Oh, and the emergency plan consisting of "dump the rock in another universe and hope for the best" might just break the seal completely.
    • He-Who-Made-Dark and his rival He-Who-Made-Light (who apparently isn't any better than He-Who-Made-Dark) appear in several other SCPs. These include SCP-286, SCP-319, SCP-719, SCP-1736, and SCP-1806. Several of there are confirmed by the author to have been created out of fragments of the very same meteor that is SCP-435 and all of them have very disturbing effects. 286 is a game board where the players become possessed by said entities, and the results of the game apparently trigger disasters such as solar flares or the movement of SCP-435-1. 319 is a portal to another universe that will cause this universe to be completely rewritten (effectively destroying it) because of the differences in the properties of the universe it connects to. 719 is a radioactive television through which He-Who-Made-Light communicates disturbing messages and it is implied that he could escape into our universe through it. 1736 is a bizarre religion based off of 719 whose leader is similarly radioactive. 1806 completely rewrites the way that people perceive reality, allowing them to see entities that exist in shadows and eventually causing them to only be able to speak in Word-Salad Horror because our language doesn't have the ability to describe what they see.
  • It is implied that this is what SCP-543 ("Noise") shows you. The description of it is very vague but it is described as a huge space filled with "things" with a lot of emphasis on the hugeness of it. Seeing it is very bad for your mental heath.
  • SCP-582 ("A Bundle of Stories"), is a meme similar to Slender Man about an extremely dangerous and powerful creature with many forms and many names. Any story written about it becomes true. If somebody were to write about it destroying the world, it would do so and it would be impossible to stop, except by preventing the writer from finishing the story.
  • SCP-682 ("Hard-to-Destroy Reptile") is a reptilian creature with a murderous hatred toward all life. It has one simple ability - the ability to sustain, adapt, and regenerate from everything. Whether it be from mundane sources or other anomalies, it will survive, and continue to wreak havoc upon the world. It is the Godzilla Threshold of the Foundation, with the first line in its containment simply stating:
    SCP-682 must be destroyed as soon as possible.
    • When The Foundation tried to have SCP-343 (a seemingly omnipotent man who claims to be God) kill it, they found that the two of them are unable to perceive or touch each other, and when 343 learned that 682 was what they wanted him to kill, he said, "he isn't one of mine; deal with him yourself".
    • Although the Pitch Haven canon says he's the snake that got Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden of Eden and his only goal is to get back there since SCP-343 banished him.
    • SCP-738 appears to be the Devil in his deal-making guise. It says that the price for elimination of SCP-682 without harm to the world is beyond the ability of the Foundation to pay.
    • The Foundation locked it inside SCP-536, a chamber where physics are essentially in sandbox mode, and fiddled with the controls in a way that'd completely annihilate regular matter. SCP-682 enjoyed this.
    • Dr. Bright, who has the ability to possess people and animals once tried to possess 682. His own mind told him that he was incapable of comprehending reality through 682's eyes and after he was forced out he apparently was completely unable to remember the experience.
    • The Foundation also attempt to tame 682 by showing it SCP-2140, an image that retcons the past of anybody that sees it so that they are, and always have been, loyal to the Foundation. 682 responded to it by saying "I haven't seen these since the time of [DATA EXPUNGED]. It won't work. Unlike you dancing shadows, my past was real and cannot be re-written, as much as I wish it were".
    • At one point, the Foundation tried to destroy 682 by forcing it to walk towards the Gate Guardian version of SCP-001. It was attacked repeatedly and had various parts of its body blasted off, but survived. When SCP-001 ordered it to die, 682 responded "Wouldn't we all like that, but this is my curse for suggesting the fruit".
    • The 2015 reimagining competition has an alternate 682 who's affectionate instead of hateful, but otherwise has all of the attributes of the regular one. It turns out that 682 exists in every universe and if it ever dies, that reality will stop existing. Or more accurately, stop ever having existed. Not only is it an Eldritch Abomination, it's a Cosmic Keystone.
    • The Serpents Hand gives their own perspective and theories on SCP-682 and some new information about its history in this document. The Serpents Hand believes that SCP-682 was banished from its home in another dimension and wants to return, but somehow it always returns to earth if it is sent to any other dimension. The Foundation originally dug up SCP-682's inactive body from a grave and accidentally reawakened it by experimenting on it. SCP-682 is also somehow connected to The Foundation in an occult way and it is possible that SCP-682 was created retroactively by the Foundation.
    • SCP-6820 is perhaps the single most extreme attempt by the Foundation to destroy 682 yet. 6820 is a massive, underground facility containing a reality-restructuring superweapon that completely wiped 682 from existence, as well from ever HAVING existed, by removing it entirely from the domain of human conceptualization. Much of the document is the Foundation trying to figure out just what they retroactively erased from reality and why they would go to such extreme lengths to destroy an anomaly rather than contain it. This notably makes SCP-6820 the first attempt at destroying 682 to actually succeed. Except not. 6820 only removed 682 from the realm of human conception, and 682 itself is decidedly not human. This allows it to take over 6820 from within, eventually resulting it achieving a "perfected" form entirely disconnected from the realm of human conceptual space. Which means it is now just as intent on killing everything, but is now impossible to contain or even properly perceive. Whoops.
  • SCP-861 ("A Fallen Angel") is another Our Angels Are Different. It originally was a bizarre creature that caused those who directly heard and understood the song it makes to Go Mad from the Revelation, although this could be avoided by translating the song without understanding it in its original form. It has now been Retconned into something even weirder. It now is an unstoppable mass of burning liquid that becomes enraged by exposure to prideful people and will merge with them and turn them into horrifying monsters. The writer of the article says that it is an Ophanim; the fluid is the form it takes while on earth.
  • SCP-874 ("Abyssal Fluid") is a liquid that acts as a portal to another dimension that is filled with them. Those who see them are driven violently and suicidally insane. One D-Class personnel who saw them said before committing suicide that he wanted to see things the way they do. It isn't clear what this means.
  • SCP-911 ("Egyptian Book of the Dead") is a scroll that removes the soul of anyone that touches it, usually leaving them as an Empty Shell, but sometimes replacing their soul with that of a person previously trapped in the scroll. It is revealed by one person who escaped from the scroll with his sanity and memories intact that it is a prison for the soul of an insane eldritch abomination (or at least a Humanoid Abomination) that assimilates any other soul in the prison that it manages to catch and it is waiting for the right body to touch the scroll so it can possess them and escape. And since it assimilated an agent of The Foundation, it now knows about the existence of SCPs and there are two particular censored SCPs that it wants to merge with.
  • SCP-993 ("Bobble the Clown") is a educational children's cartoonnote  where a Monster Clown Depraved Kids' Show Host named Bobble teaches the viewer how to commit various acts of violence, and he is aware that the SCP Foundation is blocking the show's signal. In this story Bobble reveals that he is a Time Abyss who has existed in many different forms since cavemen discovered fire, and it is also revealed that he is capable of trapping people in his show in order to kill them.

     Series II (SCP- 1000 - SCP-1999) 
  • SCP-1050 ("Obsidian Obelisk of Warning") is an obelisk with a message warning about entities called The Destroyers. It is implied that they are responsible for many of the extinction events in Earth's history.
  • SCP-1055 normally appears to only be a harmless mentally challenged man named Mikey. It becomes more dangerous based on the number of people who know what he really is. This is a lie. The monster is actually Mikey's teddy bear Bugsy. Mikey (and the Foundation making you think that Mikey is the anomaly) is a part of containment. The more that people fear Bugsy, the more aggressive it becomes, and the more people who are aware Bugsy is alive, the larger and more monstrous it becomes, first turning into an actual bear, then a massive ursine Animalistic Abomination with Combat Tentacles, which further increases people's awareness and fear, causing an uncontrollable and destructive feedback loop. Mikey's positive emotions towards Bugsy, and his inability to understand what Bugsy is due to his handicap, is what's currently keeping it in check. Good job knowing about the truth, dear reader. The bear just got bigger.
  • SCP-1128 ("Aquatic Horror") is a sea monster so huge that it eats whales. If you know too much about what it looks like then bodies of water around you will start turning into portals to its location so it can eat you.
  • SCP-1129 ("Hyperarousal Response") gives the impression of being an Eldritch Abomination. That is, anyone viewing it directly, or viewing a photo or video of it, immediately becomes convinced that it's intrinsically wrong, should not exist, and must be destroyed. However, looking at an illustration of it merely gives the impression that it's strange. Technically, it shouldn't be able to exist in our universe, since it seems to occupy more than the usual three spatial dimensions, but that shouldn't cause people to react to it with hatred, loathing, and fear. Word of God says it either is or is strongly reminiscent of an "uber-predator", a creature that causes an instinctual fight-or-flight response in every animal in existence.
  • SCP-1142 ("A Cry for Help") is a rolling mine casing used by the Nazis in World War II. It no longer carries explosives, but instead carries a radio receiver that receives broadcasts from Nazis in an alternate timeline of the 1940s. The transmissions themselves are heavily garbled, but from what can be ascertained, the Nazis had created reality-gating technology and managed to release something unknown upon the world. Whatever this thing was, it created a 16-kilometer wide sinkhole in Poland, released some sort of flesh-eating plague upon the world and has already killed millions globally. Their final broadcast contains only one word: "help".
  • SCP-1406 ("An Old Entity"). This was the original nature of the entity in the SCP-1406 building.
    When the universe was young, the entity was a great, massive thing. Its form was twisted, unnameable and ancient, as to drive men mad in their attempts to envisage it.
  • SCP-1461 ("House of the Worm"). The story The Worm tells of a man's nightmares about a creature that would devastate Europe and his plan to change his house into a trap for it. His plan worked, but the Worm took over the house and changed it into a domain of evil. At the end he realizes that the monster was himself all along.
  • SCP-1478 ("Inconveniently Stereotypical Cacti") is a Hive Mind of sapient cacti that behave like inaccurate southern stereotypes and turn you into one of them if you don't behave southern enough. One of the recently transformed cacti indicates that the original cactus never was human to begin with but is something that wants people to act "southern" for incomprehensible reasons.
  • SCP-1512 ("Irrational Root"). SCP-1512 is an indestructible mass of toxic tendrils that emerged from the brain of a man who was working on an weird math problem. The Foundation prevents it from growing larger by constantly having a group of people within a certain distance of it manually perform math calculations about it while disbelieving the results; Word of God compares the containment procedures to ritualistic faith exercises, with mathematics substituting religion/magic.
  • SCP-1710-1 ("Life as a Tree") formerly was an eldritch abomination known as the Serrated Void, an eldritch personification of sharpness. It came to our world chasing after another abomination (possibly SCP-682), but found that it couldn't survive in our world and so it sought out a method of reincarnating into a form that could. Unfortunately, it accomplished this by making a deal with a trickster god, and ended up reincarnated as a tree with nobody to talk to except a woman who fell for the same scam. They make an Odd Couple.
  • SCP-1731 ("An Exercise in Futility") is a ritual for summoning one. The Foundation completed the ritual several times For Science!, but luckily they found that every single time they did it the summoned creature would do something to interrupt the ritual, apparently by accident, causing it to disappear again, so they gave up trying to summon it for being pointless. The other possibility presented is that the creature within the fridge does not want to be disturbed, a notion supported by the ridiculous complexity of the ritual itself and the fridge being yanked on its side during the last ritual attempt. In the words of a commenter, it hit the snooze button.
  • SCP-1739 ("Obsolete Laptop") is a computer containing a program that has the ability to send people back in time, creating an alternate timeline and allowing communication with the alternate timeline, for a period of 3 hours. Whenever it is used an animation of a dog chasing after a ball and breaking it plays. After using the computer several times it was realized that the animation is actually a symbol representing an Eldritch Abomination (the dog) annihilating the alternate universes (the balls) created by the computer, whose purpose is to keep the thing satisfied, so that it won't decide to break out of its metaphorical chain. The Eldritch Abomination is described as "Something incomprehensibly terrible, in both senses of that word, something that can destroy an entire universe just by passing its shadow over it".
  • SCP-1936 ("Daleport") is the ruins of a town where a group called The Victory Society attempted to cull the numbers of abominations out there by summoning them all to one spot and having then fight each other to the death, under the banners of three of them (with others free to attack each other at leisure). The town, and its inhabitants, were caught in the crossfire. Mention of several specific ones is made, while others simply remain partially documented by mention or by footage. Notably, some of the entities involved actually tried to contain the damage rather than spread it.
  • SCP-1959 ("The Lost Cosmonaut") is a lost cosmonaut stuck in orbit around the earth while fighting against an unseen enemy. According to this story it is another Eldritch Abomination and he is keeping it from reaching the earth with nothing but Heroic Willpower.

     Series III (SCP- 2000 - SCP-2999) 
  • SCP-2001 ("A Space Oddity") causes people to believe that outer space is filled with eldritch abominations and that space itself is trying to warn us not to go into space because of the horrors out there.
  • SCP-2014 ("Zsar Magoth") is an eldritch entity who got trapped in the body of a gecko after some guy summoned him in order to cheat at a skateboarding competition. Luckily, Zsar Magoth is a pretty Affably Evil guy and just happened to like skateboarding.
  • SCP-2059 ("Wall of Flesh") is a mass of flesh that assimilates any living thing that comes into contact with it. The only human to be assimilated by it and retain his sanity has indicated that this is because he's connected to another eldritch entity.
  • SCP-2079 ("The Law of the Grokodus") is a phenomenon that causes governments to pass laws about a creature called The Grokodus, and not think there is anything strange about this. The Grokodus is a large furry quadruped with no eyes surrounded by floating hands that appears wherever these laws have been passed and its behavior is determined by these laws. The wording of the laws implies that they are a punishment for something The Grokodus did.
  • SCP-2196 ("The Deep Mote"), a disk with a tiny light inside it that acts as a Brown Note on anyone who examines it too closely, is implied to be a Bigger on the Inside prison where an eldritch horror is trapped. The light that it gives off used to be slightly red, but has changed to slightly blue, implying that it is headed towards us at close to lightspeed. According to the author, this also implies that it must be large enough to be visible from lightyears away, and the only thing keeping it trapped is the sheer distance it has to travel to get to the exit.
  • SCP-2250 ("Duck Hunt") is a Mind Virus that infects ducks and allows a dog eating tentacle monster to emerge from them.
  • SCP-2317 ("A Door to Another World") is a doorway leading to a world where an eldritch abomination related to the above mentioned 231-7 is imprisoned and is on the verge of escaping, and it is only held back by regularly performing a ritual and if that fails then they are prepared to attempt to stop it with a nuke. Most of this information is a lie. It has nothing to do with 231-7, the ritual doesn't actually do anything, and using a nuke will not work. It is all a cover up to keep anybody from finding out that it will escape and there is nothing the Foundation can do at this point to stop it.
  • SCP-2439 ("[SLOT UNALLOCATED]") is a entity that can infect the minds of anybody who knows it exists. The Foundation's D-Class personnel (prisoners used for dangerous experiments and occasionally as sacrifices) are keeping its existence a secret from the rest of the Foundation so they can use it as a weapon against the Foundation and because they know that if it manages to take over the Foundation, the world, and hence their loved ones, are next. Also because they now have one little victory over the Foundation, due to their status as expendable Red Shirts.
  • SCP-2440 ("The Sealed King") is an entity called Xiolt-la whose power increases with the number of people who are aware of its existence, and those who are aware of its existence are compelled to spread this information. The Foundation must keep the total number of people who are aware of it at less than 200.
  • SCP-2470 ("The Void Singularity") is an abstract entity that obliterates anything it becomes aware of the existence of, that was summoned by an apocalyptic cult. The only reason why it has not erased the universe already is because it does not understand the universe sufficiently. The Foundation has come up with a method of killing it using a Brown Note but have chosen to keep it around because it is impossible for two universe erasing events to happen at the same time, so as long as it exists it could prevent the universe from being erased by something else. It is also implied that copies of it are able to form inside the minds of people who are around it for too long. The Foundation stop this from happening by erasing the minds of anyone who shows symptoms of infection before killing them.
  • SCP-2521 ("●●|●●●●●|●●|●") is some kind of humanoid tentacle monster that can walk through walls. It can only be safely described with pictograms, because it steals any text written about it, and abducts anyone who talks about it OHCRAPItsgotme
  • SCP-2662 ("cthulhu f'UCK OFF!") is a giant tentacled humanoid with mind control powers that make people worship it. Unlike most of the other monsters contained by the Foundation, he is willingly contained because he has very little control of his powers and he is grossed out by the behavior of his worshipers. He has indicated that the reason for his lack of control is because he is not yet matured, and that once he does he will be a lot more powerful. And his powers work even by proxy, as he plays an online game.
  • SCP-2740 ("It Wasn't There") is a monster living a family's attic. Or is there a monster? It isn't clear, because it is impossible for anyone to enter the attic so nobody has ever seen it, except for the mother of the family, who isn't able to describe what she saw. The reason why it is impossible to enter the attic is not because there is anything physically preventing entry, but because if somebody tries to enter the attic, they at first seem to be able to, but then will suddenly discover that they never did, as though it was All Just a Dream. People can sense its presence because it causes those in the house to experience a feeling of dread. The family living in the house can't just move away, because the same effect that keeps people out of the attic also keeps the family from moving out. It first appeared on the same night that the family's oldest daughter got into a fight with her parents and ran away to start a new life. The Foundation tracks her down and asks her what she thinks about the thing in the attic and she says she believes it was created by hatred. However, she might not be a reliable source of information because she never existed.
  • SCP-2747 ("As below, so above") is an anafabula, or anti-narrative. It is a set of narrative elements that result in the metafictional annihilation of the fictional work it is written into, erasing the work from the world outside of it. Initially studied as a harmless curiosity, a compilation of some of the erased works' descriptions (gathered from second-hand references) shows common themes including intertwined metafictional narratives, references to missing information, lack of closure, and a representation of an anathema of vast power and incomprehensibility. After a study realizes that the anafabula is pataphysical and may affect the Foundation's reality, the Foundation decides to study the anafabula directly using controlled methods to come up with countermeasures, storing the results in Appendix B. The results? [DATA LOST]. Appendix B just became a lost sub-narrative about an incomprehensible anathema that ends the article without closure, sending the SCP-2747 article right into SCP-2747's crosshairs. With even the SCP Wiki itself being an endingless nested intertwined narrative discussing incomprehensible abominations like SCP-2747, just where will the anafabula go next?
  • SCP-2764 ("The Eldritch Antarctic"). SCP-2764 is a creature that is approximately 382 meters tall and weighs over 150,000 metric tons. It has around 80 large tentacles that it uses for movement and manipulation, and can communicate using telepathy. It generates an area of Alien Geometries around it in a 50-kilometer radius, causing difficulty with observations of it.
    • The journal of one explorer implies that said creature is actually a view of his own future self, seen through distorted space and time.
  • SCP-2803 ("TotleighSoft - "Because COMPUTERS!"™") is a software company that manufactures supernatural video games which are often harmful to players. The CEO of the company is a mind-controlling Starfish Alien. Containment of 2803 involves convincing 2803-A to continue making video games because in its previous "job" it was doing something far worse. Whatever it was doing is censored, but it involved "obliterating".
  • The assorted components of SCP-2877 ("it h8ts it here") are very, very strange:
    • SCP-2877-1 is a transparent block of... something... that does not play nice with laws of physics and chemistry and was created when an expunged dimensional experiment went horribly wrong. It used to be the air in the testing chamber, but the experiment converted it into this material, killing everyone in the room by way of vacuum exposure. It converts all elements it comes into contact with that have an atomic number ending in 8 into more of itself with no energy release despite this causing a loss in mass. The only way to prevent this is for said elements to be in a compound that includes an element whose atomic number ends with 7 as least 7% of said compound's mass. Upon contact with radium (element 88), both substances decay into alpha particles, though the process stops in the presence of iridium (element 77). Its refractive index is also exactly 7 for all wavelengths. Noticing a pattern? The only oddities are that two of its dimensions and the wavelength of all of its blackbody radiation are 1.257 multiplied by various powers of 10, though these still end with 7.
    • SCP-2877-2 and -3 were created in an attempt to melt a sample of SCP-2877-1. Everything that absorbed infrared radiation, including people, in line of sight of the SCP-2877-1 became SCP-2877-2, a perfectly reflective, superconducting material that emits no blackbody radiation. The sample expanded by a factor of 8 and then was reduced to 1/7 of its original volume by this process, becoming SCP-2877-3. SCP-2877-3 is a piece of rainbow-colored metal that causes surrounding matter to act strangely, forming compounds that shouldn't exist. While surrounding it with pure elements ending in 7 blocks the effects, these elements themselves still react, requiring a constant supply of new materials. Anything that touches -3 also disintegrates into anomalous matter. People who are exposed to it also have their minds affected by it, becoming obsessed with SCP-2877-3 and the number seven in various ways. It also tries to convince people that things involving 8 are fundamentally "wrong" somehow, to the point of driving a teacher who was to give a lecture on electron shells to suicide. It also flat-out kills anyone who recites numbers containing all 8's (8, 88, 888, etc.) in its presence. For further weirdness, astute readers of the article will notice that the numbers affected by this SCP end in 7 or 8 in base 10 instead of being, say, multiples of 7 and 8. The article's author has stated that on the discussion page that this is deliberate. This should tell you just how alien these things are: whatever caused all of this came from a realm whose very mathematical properties are fundamentally different from the ones we know.
  • SCP-2935 ("O, Death") is a cave in Indiana that functions as a portal to an alternate universe, where an unknown event happened that caused all life in the universe to instantly die. ALL life. Everything you could possibly consider to be "alive", whether organic or inorganic, sentient or inanimate, ordinary or anomalous, terrestrial or divine - all of it, DEAD. Leftover food no longer rots because there is no living bacteria left to grow on it. Sentient A.I.s employed by the Foundation would not respond to inputs by exploration teams. It even managed to kill SCP-682, something considered by Foundation scientists to be impossible. A Foundation exploration team went into this dead world to try to find the causes behind the deaths. However, they found something that made them decide to kill themselves with an on-site nuke and plead to the Foundation to seal up the cave and never bring "it" outside of the cave. What they found was a suicide message recorded by an unknown Foundation agent from the dead world. In his world, he was sent through the same portal to a different alternate universe where everything had died. When he returned to his own universe, somehow the death phenomenon followed him through and instantly killed everything in his universe. He saw all the plants around him instantly shrivel and die, and all the birds and animals instantly drop to the ground where they were. He concluded that there was "something" in that cave that followed him out and brought death to his own universe. It needed him to go into the dead world and bring it back to his own so it can kill his world too. His message tells anyone listening to it that they are now "Death" too. The exploration team committed suicide to prevent themselves from bringing Death to their original world, and the best the Foundation could do was seal up the cave with concrete and hope to high heaven that whatever killed those other universes doesn't find another way into ours.
  • SCP-2950 ("Just A Chair") is, as its name states, just an anomalous chair. Not entirely true. It is an entity whose properties are based on the majority's definition of it. Originally, "somebody" gave the Foundation a source defining it as an eldritch abomination, which quickly caused things to spiral out of control. The Foundation eventually managed to turn things around after discussing with the Serpent's Hand, realizing the true nature of SCP-2950, and erased everyone's awareness of SCP-2950 and redefine it as an anomalous chair. In the aftermath of the incident, the Foundation and the Serpent's Hand agreed that only a single person from both sides are allowed to know about the truth of the chair at one time. This does a whole lot to illustrate how much of a threat it is because the Foundation and the Serpent's Hand almost never cooperate with each other on anything. Everybody else has been tricked into thinking that it is just a boring old chair, and as long as they continue to believe that, it will be trapped in that form. The scariest thing is, somebody intentionally tried to spread the belief that 2950 was a world destroying abomination and is still out there.
  • SCP-2975 ("Another Sun"). The White Sun is an extremely powerful and incomprehensible being that is worshipped by the Apocalypse Cult The Order of the White Sun. The Order attempts to bring about the end of the world by summoning the White Sun to Earth, but is stopped by the Foundation. The attempted summoning caused multiple shifts in reality such that the agents who stopped it have inconsistent memories about just what happened, which is represented by the story being told in a branching format.
  • SCP-2976 ("Hall of the Last King"). When the victims of SCP-2976 reach Stage 5 they summon the Last King inside the Hall. The Last King appears as a humanoid figure silhouetted by a bright light. When he arrives everything in the nearby area (both organic and inorganic) is destroyed or removed, except for the walls.
  • SCP-2992 ("Everything Flows Towards Cadence") is a man who was mind raped by an Eldritch Abomination obsessed with music. He spreads a mental virus that infects you if you listen to music suggested to you by an infected person. It is implied that the mental virus is the eldritch abomination itself infecting your mind, and it is already extremely widespread and far more contagious than just spreading through listening to the infected's suggested music. Even more disturbing, the symptoms of infection sound a lot like having a song stuck in your head, meaning that YOU could be infected already.

     Series IV (SCP- 3000 - SCP-3999) 
  • SCP-3000 ("Anantashesha") is a gigantic eel (as in, several hundred miles in length, though its body is curled up) located underwater in the Bay of Bengal. It eats exclusively humans, and when it does so it produces chemicals which erase or otherwise tamper with the memories of those exposed to it (these chemicals apparently form the base of most of the modern Foundation's amnestics). Looking at the creature also gradually produces the same effects; it's apparently powerful enough that one researcher became entirely convinced that another researcher's wife was actually his own, to the point that finding evidence to the contrary caused him to Go Mad from the Revelation and feed himself to the eel. It gets worse: as its name suggests, the creature may or may not be the snake god Anantashesha upon which Vishnu and all of creation rest. This would also make the eel the only thing which will survive the ultimate end of time.
  • SCP-3004 ("Imago") is a cicada god from another dimension that feeds on faith. It was once worshiped by a druidic cult, but because its worshipers converted to Christianity, it became convinced that it is the Christian god. It warps Christianity into a disturbing Religion of Evil involving lots of Body Horror and cicadas. It is starting to break into our dimension, and the Foundation's contingency plan for dealing with the thing is to erase Christianity from the historical record in order to starve it. According to an agent of the Foundation who communicated with it, it isn't actually evil, it is an Almighty Idiot that doesn't understand metaphors or mortality, and so doesn't comprehend the harm it is causing.
  • SCP-3007 features a world that humans can only visit through astral projection. The world features a terribly malformed city and countless horrifically mutated corpses. Through paintings found throughout the city, we learn that it was built by a people and their benevolent god (rendered in blue). The people went beyond their world, exploring different planets. When they returned, they brought something back with them: a sapient infohazard (rendered in red) that caused the previously mentioned destruction. Only a small portion of the people survived, implied to be humanity's ancestors, while the benevolent god held the infohazard back. But now the artist who killed god is coming to earth...
  • SCP-3125 ("The Escapee") is a part of the greater narrative for the Antimemetics Division series, and very much an Eldritch Abomination in meme form. SCP-3125 is an extremely powerful, massive, and aggressive complex of extradimensional memes slowly incurring into our reality. Learning about its contents will cause you to lose interest in all other ideas, reducing you to a shell that exists only to think about SCP-3125, which also has the effect of making the victim unrecognizable as a human despite undergoing no outside change. It also has a self-defense layer, where any observer who learns about its shape allows it to perceive the observer, allowing it to obliterate them (and anybody related to them who have similar thoughts and ideas), leaving behind giant gaping holes of information. It is so pervasive and hostile it had single-handedly reduced the number of antimemetic research organizations worldwide from over 400 to 1, the sole survivor being Foundation's Antimemetic Division, and even that had its faculty reduced from over four thousand to ninety, all due to them eventually stumbling on SCP-3125. It hadn't fully emerged into our reality yet, but when it does, the Foundation believes it will wipe out all human thought overnight. The Foundation's "containment" is to set up a telepathically shielded chamber where it cannot get in so they can think about it and ways to get rid of it without getting annihilated. They also have a secret underground chamber telepathically shielded in the same way that might get rid of it, but whether or not it will work is uncertain. It does not. It's nothing more than just a memetic failsafe (described as a Nuclear Option for memes) to clean the Site from being contaminated with SCP-3125, unable to even dent SCP-3125. SCP-3125 will eventually incur into reality, and there's nothing the Foundation can do about it.
  • SCP-3513 ("The Brain That Ate Itself") is a brain eating creature that can manifest its mouths inside of the heads of living things that enter a certain area. It is implied that the creature is located deep inside the earth.
  • SCP-3883 ("Dildos Have Dreams Too") is not an eldritch abomination, but it really wishes it could be one.
  • The Pattern Screamers are a mysterious threat mentioned or referenced in a large number of other SCP documents and in fact several of the other abominations on this page may be pattern screamers or at least related to them. What the Pattern Screamers are, or at least one interpretation of what they are, was finally revealed in SCP-3930 ("The Pattern Screamer"). It turns out that the Pattern Screamers do not exist, but are sentient and hate us for existing. They are nonbeings that can be perceived in absolute nothingness. When the human mind tries to comprehend absolute nothingness the brain searches for patterns where there are none and will perceive something where there is nothing, and when too many people are aware of the nothingness and the fact that is it affected by perception, the nothingness begins screaming. They can become fully existent, but the transition is painful and only one Pattern Screamer, a VTuber calling herself Paty (a.k.a. SCP-6930), is known to have done so.

     Series V (SCP- 4000 - SCP-4999) 
  • SCP-4002 ("The Black Moon Howls From Beyond The Edge Of Time") refers to a deal made with one in ancient times. It turns out that humanity itself was once anomalous, but a Sumerian king named Etana struck a deal with a godlike entity known as "the King" (which may or may not be the Black Moon itself): in exchange for an artifact or power that would allow Etana to conceive a child, the vast majority of the anomalous would be forced outside of mainline reality. The rise in SCP entities in the present day is a sign that the deal is about to expire.
  • SCP-4007 ("Kagemusha") is mostly concerned with a group of five anomalous Japanese soldiers from World War II. However, it turns out that the soldiers are merely acting as containment for an immense... something off the coast of Vietnam, with their actions being done to maintain a gigantic pentagon-shaped ritual shape. Whatever the entity is, it apparently destroyed an entire squadron of Japanese ships in a way that even the Foundation admits they've never seen before. We never find out exactly what is inside the pentagram, other than the fact that it is apparently massive (and massively powerful), and that one of the SCP-4007 members refers to it with male pronouns.
  • SCP-4840 ("The Demon Lancelot and the Flying City of Audapaupadopolis") mentions multiple. Fitting, considering that it's essentially a creation myth for the SCP Universe. Of note are the carvings within the city, depicting (among many others) the Scarlet King, MEKHANE and Yaldabaoth. The Demon Lancelot himself is rather downplayed, as it's merely a man transformed into a huge monster after making a deal with one of these. Although he is only visible on heat-seeking cameras and, strangely, his corpse has not cooled, despite being dead for hundreds of thousands of years.
  • SCP-4947 ("The Fault and the Fistula") is a gargantuan worm located in the Finnish wilderness which has carved an enormous (as in, thousands of square kilometers) series of fault lines through its constant burrowing. The fault itself is inherently detrimental to its surroundings, punching holes in matter and integrating buildings into a confusing, non-euclidean maze. Even the concept of SCP-4947 isn't safe, being a potent, slow-acting antimeme that's implied to have given a past researcher dementia.
  • SCP-4971 ("Rituals") is a space-time anomaly that was brought into an abandoned mall after an eco-terrorist occultist group performed a massive Human Sacrifice ritual inside it. Residing within SCP-4971 is SCP-4971-▽, a.k.a. The One Who Knows Silence In The Earth. It looks like a massive deer with a floating, vibrating, and glowing white crest in the place of its head and neck, and has many godlike and incomprehensible powers. As revealed by a modern-day witch, SCP-4971-▽ is a God of Sacrifice, mistakenly believed to be a God of Nature by its summoners. The Foundation currently has no ability to stop it; it will disappear if all of humanity stops making rituals and sacrifices, and its doorway to the world outside can be shut down if all of humanity is sacrificed, both of which are impossible. Ominously, the witch states that if it enters the world outside, it will start "performing its own rituals", and it "won't be satisfied by hooves and ash".

     Series VI (SCP- 5000 - SCP-5999) 

  • SCP-5000 ("Why?") Why would the Foundation betray the human race? Hidden text at the bottom of the page and a messaged encoded into the image at the bottom of the page implies that the Foundation discovered something horrible lurking inside of the minds of all humanity. Something so awful that they decided that humanity needed to be destroyed to stop it. And the weird being resembling a human but stretched into a giant by space being distorted around it, and with holes in reality for wings was a manifestation of it.
  • SCP-INTEGER (SCP-5242) is a Mind Screwy SCP article involving an anomaly that's causing confusing retroactive nomenclative changes. If one manages to untangle the mind screw, it is revealed that SCP-INTEGER is a powerful and intelligent entity residing within the Fae's nameless forest (Word of God states that SCP-INTEGER is actually its ruler) with immense power over names. This entity is nameless and never supposed to be named, and when a Foundation Doctor deduced its existence and gave it a name (LOGICIAN), the entity became enraged and effectively sets a curse on the Foundation, making it so that anybody who gives it new names ("incorrect names") have their own names retroactively taken away, and bestowed with new and confusing "simplified" names; the INQUIRY log (interview log) in the article shows a Doctor retroactively losing his name and becoming "SCIENTIST-LETTER" when he accidentally called SCP-INTEGER an "issue". The name changes are so powerful that they become universal facts (a.k.a. semiohazard), and the interviewer has, is, and will always be named SCIENTIST-LETTER. This entity is the one that is inserting red emboldened footnotes in the SCP-INTEGER document, and the writer of the poem at the end. Its nature is never fully described, and only obliquely referenced as a complex of semiohazards, but it is clearly immensely powerful.
  • SCP-5935-1 is an ancient being buried in the darkest reaches of the land of the nameless folk. It is an ancient god that was the first name to exist in the world, its name had the power to bestow names, and it existed as a conceptual question seeking an answer. However, when most things in the world became named, its power diminished, and it was eventually buried and forgotten, becoming a vengeful being. When a Foundation Overseer entered the forest trying to revive his dead son, he ended up encountering it and made a deal with it, giving it his son's name, Jacob, allowing it to assume Jacob's form and "revive" Jacob. After leaving the forest, "Jacob" soon revealed its malicious intents and its immense powers: it can perfectly "name-shift" (identity shift) into anyone, and it seeks to kill all humans and steal all humans' names, and reunite all the world under its one name again. The real name of the entity, as confirmed by Word of God, is the question "Who?"

     Series VII (SCP- 6000 - SCP-6999) 
  • SCP-6033 ("The Friend With Many Arms") is a book that summons a cognitohazardous eldritch monster when it is read by its owner, but rather than being played for horror, it is played for heartwarming.

     Series VIII (SCP- 7000 - SCP-7999) 
  • SCP-7606 ("The Invincible, Undefeated One") is an invincible deific entity of incomparable power with innate ties to the very concepts of fire, darkness, and death. It's so alien that nobody can even describe it, and just being in its presence is enough to overwhelm human beings with dread and terror... and it's awake and active in Florida. Except it's not actually an Eldritch Abomination at all, but a Parody Sue of one: SCP-7606 is a twenty-year-old sorcerer using a magic ritual to make himself appear like a Lovecraftian horror in the perceptions of anyone seeing him or mentioning him. Unfortunately, he's not invincible - as he discovers when a pissed Florida Man shoots him dead mid-reign of terror.


  • The Church of the Broken God worships the eponymous Broken God, a divine entity that seems like a mechanical version of this trope; many destructive mechanical SCP objects are believed by the Church to be pieces of their god. However, whether or not the Broken God is really an abomination is zig-zagged, as some modern stories heavily imply the Broken God was Good All Along and is basically the setting's Crystal Dragon Jesus. The "Broken God" from TwistedGears/djkaktus's SCP-001 proposal however (see above) is definitely an abomination and not a benevolent god.
  • Opposing the Broken God is Yaldabaoth, the God of Flesh, and its greatest earthly servant, the Grand Karcist Ion, both of whom are definitely abominable. A wide assortment of fleshcrafting and reality-bending horrors are within their capabilities, the most well-known of being the abomination plague of SCP-610. Ion was once a half-Daevite slave, but thanks to Yaldabaoth's "blessings", he has long since become something far worse.
  • According to this Thread, which is a place for Word of God to reveal secrets about SCPs not found in their article (which may spoil a lot of them, take warning), the following SCPs either are or were caused by Eldritch Abominations:
    • SCP-1382 This is the result of an encounter with one.
    • SCP-1606 It is caused by a being that is basically a personification of memory loss that is trying to break into our world and currently is possessing the old man.
    • SCP-1175 It is a creature, and the guard drones it created to protect itself, that got stuck in our world which is unpleasant to it because of its Alien Geometries being confined by our world and it wants to go home. It is drilling into the ground to gather thermal energy to escape. It eats the people that its guards kill to hide the evidence, not out of hunger. The guards destroy new structures because they are distracting to it. It is submissive to the sculpture's creator because it perceives him as the ruler of the land it is in.
    • SCP-121 It is invisible and stuck between dimensions in the sky over the town, unable to move, and is trying to reproduce.
    • SCP-1178 This is the result of an attempt to kill one, resulting in a being that is a amalgamation of the entity, the people that tried to kill it, and the weapon that they used.
  • Foundation Tale SCP-1926-R. SCP-1926-R is R'lyeh and SCP-1926-1 is Cthulhu. Although the article claims that it is only a prank, the writer of the article has revealed that this is a lie.
  • SCP-010-J ("WHAT KETER I DON'T SEE ANY KETER") is completely harmless, is not a Brown Note, and is definitely not made of black holes.
  • SCP-1D6-J ("Gygax's Folly") Roll a six sided dice to decide what it is. Several of the possible results can be this.
  • SCP-2006-J ("Metamorphic Eldritch Entity") is a mind shattering horror obsessed with Magical Girl Warrior anime.
  • SCP-2600-CU ("The Little Thing") is a disgusting Blob Monster that compels people to act like it is the cutest thing ever and they are fully aware of this. It is mind controlling the Foundation into finding it a mate so that it can conquer the planet.
  • Uninspired and poor uses of this trope are Deconstructed and Played for Laughs in Eldritch Application, in which Zalgo's application to become an SCP is rejected because its eldritch abomination characteristics are deemed too boring for the Foundation's tastes.
  • At the first glance, the tale SCP-000 seems like an in-universe glitch page for a broken spot in the Foundation database. Highlighting the blank space below the article reveals a story told by an unknown entity. He describes encountering Eldritch Abominations as he wanders through a world of nothingness with no memory of his past, and depending on how you interpret the story, he may also be one who was imprisoned by the Foundation. Another possible theory is that the narrator is really an AI trapped in the Foundation's database.
    • This tale has a sequel, SCP-S, which aside from the creepy image at the top, seems to just be a test page written by a snarky technical researcher. This page also had hidden text, but hidden in a different way. The hidden text is made up of hateful messages from an unknown being (seemingly one of the above-mentioned Pattern Screamers) trying to let us know that it exists.
  • Whatever is in the Cave of Red Flies from The Wanderer's Library (an SCP Foundation Spin Off). “It had smooth red skin like that of a frog, had the body of a bare man, legs like those of an eagle, and four crimson-feathered wings. I could not see his head or face, or more likely my sanity forbids me from remembering. But I remember those two great eyes, impossibly large, shining with an intelligence like laughing fire”. That's hardly the only example on the site.
  • The Wanderer's Library's groups of interest page reveals that the Hanged King, which the Foundation knows about only through SCP-701 (a madness and anomaly inducing play with similarities to Macbeth and Hamlet) is one of these. SCP-2264 shows that there is far more to the Hanged King than what we know about...
  • The Scarlet King, born Khahrahk, is a God of Evil who serves as not only the SCP Multiverse's version of the Devil, but also its Greater-Scope Villain. He is known by many names such as the King of the Darkness Below, Lord of the Throne of Despair, Defiler of Worlds, Rapist King or simply just Satan or Harak. He was born as the smallest of his siblings during the creation of the Tree of Knowledge in which he came to the conclusion that existence itself is too painful and decided he would destroy existence, and devoured his siblings to become more powerful. He vowed to destroy the Tree, the Creator and Creation, and consumed or subjugated all the other gods within his path, then took the goddess Sanna and raped her, giving birth to his seven daughters, SCP-231-1 to 7, who he impregnated with seven other abominations called the Leviathans. The Foundation has captured and neutralized six of the brides but the seventh still remained, however it appears that the Foundation is actually playing right into the Scarlet King's hands.
    • One popular interpretation suggests that SCP-682 is one of the Leviathans, the son of SCP-231-4 and the Scarlet King, and is actually the weakest of his siblings.
    • According to one story (which not everyone accepts as canon), SCP-231-7 already has given birth and the result was SCP-999. The Foundation purposefully allowed SCP-231-7 to give birth when they discovered evidence that her child was actually destined to be a savior instead of a destroyer and they had been tricked into suppressing its birth. Unlike his siblings, SCP-999 is a benevolent friendly Blob Monster who smells of peanut butter and shows dog-like affection towards humans, even towards his elder brother SCP-682. SCP-999 is believed to be the only thing stopping the Scarlet King from destroying existence.
